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Sean Kearney edited this page Apr 24, 2013 · 6 revisions

What is code generation in regards to Sitecore?

There are various public frameworks that model Sitecore templates. The creation of these models, or classes, is very monotonous and can be reliably generated with a tool. Some examples of these 'ORM' type frameworks are:

Why use code generation with Sitecore?

There are two big reasons.

  1. Increase developer efficiency
  2. Increase reliability by using an automated process

How does TDS generate code?

Starting with version 4 of Team Development for Sitecore Code Generation is supported. TDS allows developers to write T4 Text Templates that are applied to the Sitecore items in their TDS project. The code that is generated is under your control!

Do you have any samples?

We have provided a sample solution that contains sample templates for Glass Mapper and the CIG frameworks.

How do I configure code generation?

TDS provides very granular control of code generation. The most basic of configurations requires that code generation is enabled and configured at the project level. Once the project has been configured each item can have its own settings that are set in the Code Generation section of the properties of that item.