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Directive Description
@extends('layout') Extends a layout view.
@section('content') Defines a section in a view.
@show Display the content of the current section.
@yield('content') Outputs the content of a section.
@include('view') Includes another view.
@includeIf('view', ['some' => 'data']) Includes another view if the given condition is true.
@includeWhen($condition, 'view', ['some' => 'data']) Includes another view when the given condition is true.
@each('item.view', $items, 'item') Loops over a collection and includes a view for each item.
@if($condition) Starts an if statement.
@elseif($condition) Adds an else if clause to an if statement.
@else Adds an else clause to an if statement.
@endif Ends an if statement.
@unless($condition) Starts an unless statement.
@endunless Ends an unless statement.
@for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) Starts a for loop.
@endfor Ends a for loop.
@foreach($items as $item) Starts a foreach loop.
@endforeach Ends a foreach loop.
@while($condition) Starts a while loop.
@endwhile Ends a while loop.
@isset($variable) Checks if a variable is set.
@empty($variable) Checks if a variable is empty.
@switch($value) Starts a switch statement.
@case($value) Defines a case in a switch statement.
@default Defines the default case in a switch statement.
@endswitch Ends a switch statement.
@auth Checks if the user is authenticated.
@guest Checks if the user is a guest.
@csrf Outputs the CSRF token.
@error('field') Outputs the validation error message for a field.
@env('environment') Checks the application environment.
@json($data) Converts a variable to JSON format.
@verbatim Treats enclosed content as raw text.
@php Executes PHP code.
@push('scripts') Pushes content to a stack for later use.
@stack('scripts') Outputs the content of a stack.
@hasSection('section') Checks if a section is defined.
@inertia Renders an Inertia page.
@lang Translates the given key.
@choice Translates the given key with pluralization.
@verbatim Treats enclosed content as raw text.

This list covers many of the commonly used Blade directives, but keep in mind that Laravel is a dynamic framework, and new features and directives may be introduced in later versions. Always refer to the official Laravel documentation for the most up-to-date information: Laravel Blade Templates.


most useful directives for laravel blade






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