The AFIT (Standing for Arithmetic for IT) project has for for aim to build first standard ciphering algorithms ; main aim being RSA and ElGamal cryptosystems. Among other things we hope that you'll have an first understanding of the difficulties underlying the need to use big enough integer on a physical architecture which, by definition, cannot handle infinitely big integers efficiently.
Needed theoretical content shall necessarily include
Manipulating basic arithmetic operations and functions on natural numbers :
- Quotient, modulo operations and euclidian division.
- GCD computation and extended efficient GCD algorithm giving Bézout coefficients.
- Being prime. Relative primality, Bézout Theorem.
Modular arithmetic :
- Definition of modulo of an integer with respect to some given positive natural number. Equality of two integers modulo such a natural.
- Compatibility of modulo operation to addition and multiplication.
- Given an integer
$n > 1$ the$\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ notation and canonical representants. - Fermat's Little Theorem.
- Chinese Remainder Theorem in practice.
- Notion of inversibility and inverse of an element in
$\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ . Relation to Bézout Theorem. - Order of an element in
$\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ . Multiplicative generators of$\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ . - Extension of Fermat's Little Theorem to the case of a product of two primes.
Bit-wise operations :
- Addition, substraction and multiplication and division of integers through their binary representation.
Project is structured to enable each and every single student to find themselves a working cryptosystem (as naive as it might be) by deadline.
Stage 1
: Uses built-inint
types. Implementing GCD, Bézout, (modular) exponentiations, primality and pseudo-primality tests, brute force generating primes with specific properties, encoding/decoding message, Caesar, RSA and ElGamal cryptosystem. A number of expected functions will have been implemented previously with possible light adaptations. ElGamal cryptosystem is potential extra ; needed maths are not accessible to all students. -
Stage 2
: Observe that built-in implementation doesn't enable any seriously sized exchange of information. Use non-size-predefined integers throughOCaml
lists as containers for$1$ and$0$ dummy bits. First bit being a sign bit. Implement addition, substraction, multiplication and integer division on new integer type. Re-implement first stage functions to enable RSA encryption. Execute code to generate cryposystem having a higher number of bits than built-in integer. -
Stage 3
: Observe thatStage 2
implementation is highly time consuming. Try out the use of a an efficient data structure available within the moduleZarith
implemeting big integers. This stage is mostly about reading documentation, understanding the alcotest testing framework and thoroughly testing your code.
: Contains files correponsding to maths content made available for students, both in english and french. -
files corresponding to expected (hoped for) code to handout. It is organised by phase. Phases respectively corresponding tobuiltin
. -
: metadata for dune project. -
: a gitignore file that avoids me having to deal with all your binaries. -
: this readme file.