A product recommendation system implemented with Apache Spark, and Scala. sbt is used for managing builds and dependencies. The data is available in "data/products.json" in which every line represents a product. For example:
There are 20k products data available in the file. Each product has a list of 10 attributes and an identifier "sku".
The objective is to find the 10 most similar products for a given product and write their "sku" and respective weights to the output file. The key criteria for similarity between products is the number of attributes that they have in common with each other. In the case of a tie, the attributes are valued in the alphabetic order. Meaning that:
{"sku":"sku-1","attributes": {"att-a": "a1", "att-b": "b1", "att-c": "c1"}} is more similar to
{"sku":"sku-2","attributes": {"att-a": "a2", "att-b": "b1", "att-c": "c1"}} than to (W=0.67)
{"sku":"sku-3","attributes": {"att-a": "a1", "att-b": "b3", "att-c": "c3"}} (W=0.33)
{"sku":"sku-1","attributes":{"att-a": "a1", "att-b": "b1"}} is more similar to
{"sku":"sku-2","attributes":{"att-a": "a1", "att-b": "b2"}} than to (W=0.5)
{"sku":"sku-3","attributes":{"att-a": "a2", "att-b": "b1"}} (W=0.5)
The expected format of the output is similar to the input and can be found in "expected/sku-1234Result.json". This file is also used as a test case.
Make sure you have sbt installed. Navigate to the root of the project (you should see a build.sbt in the directory). Then, to run the program:
$ sbt "runMain Recommendation -p sku-1234"
This command will read the data from "data/products.json", and run the recommendation system for the product with the identifier of "sku-1234", then write the output to the stdout and a file "output/recommendations.json". These can be configured with command line arguments. Run the following command to get information about the options:
$ sbt "runMain Recommendation --help"
usage: $ sbt "runMain Recommendation [options]"
where the options are the following:
-h | --help Show this message and quit.
-i | --in | --inpath path The input file path (default: data/products.json)
-o | --out | --outpath path The directory to which the output will be written (default: output)
-p | --product SKU The SKU of the product that the app makes recommendations for.
"SKU" could be one of:
("sku-1", "sku-2", ... ,"sku-19999", "sku-20000").
-q | --quiet Suppress some informational output.
This project uses the scalatest library to test the program. The chosen style of test is the FunSuite. I have tried to test different edge cases regarding I/O and recommendations results. To run the tests, simply run:
$ sbt test
The last two test cases are extended from the examples above, and their respective expected results can be found in the "expected" directory. Also, their data is available in "data/test" directory.
The code is annotated for ease of reading and understanding the solution. However, the main idea is to create a 1-D vector of attributes numbers for each product, and then subtract them by the vector of the desired input product's vector. Finally, the number of zeros added by a fraction to account for the alphabetic ordering value would do the trick.
The program should do fine with other data files as long as the data is in the same schema and format as the original input data. The last two cases can vouch for that.
- Add caching for results
- Creating a 2D sparse matrix of the attributes with index and caching that in memory instead of loading the data every time
- More test cases with improvements
- Wrapping a REST/gRPC API around the engine