This script sends report from Bastyon Node to Telegram. It was tested on Debian 11.3, on other distros surprises are possible.
Script requires programs installed into $PATH:
- pocketcoin-cli command line tool;
- jq - for parsing JSON output of pocketcoin-cli tool;
- curl - for sending message to Telegram.
First, write in this script your personal values for the TOKEN and CHAT_ID variables to send to Telegram.
For sending report only when problem or change state occurs specify the parameter -alerts -alerts
For unconditional sending do not specify any parameter:
For exampe, you may run script with -alerts parameter every 15 minutes and run it without parameters one or more times a day. Please note that several (5 or more) minutes must pass between script runs, otherwise there will be a false alert if the current blockchain height does not change.
if you want stuck transactions not to be removed automatically, comment this lines:
TXID=$(pocketcoin-cli listtransactions | jq -r --argjson i $i '.[$i].txid')
pocketcoin-cli abandontransaction "$TXID" >> "$LOG_FILE"
echo "TX \"$TXID\" has been abandoned" >> "$LOG_FILE"
When runing, the script creates the files
(script log) and
(save variable values for the next run) in the same directory.
Staking enabled: true
Staking working: true
Connections count: 24
Validated blocks: 1904912
Validated headers: 1904912
Wallet balance: 1234.56789012 +5.00000042
Staking balance: 1123.45678901 DIFFERS
Stuck transaction: false
Current version: 0.20.27
External IP:
Last boot: 2022-08-29 17:06