This is a minecraft plugin that will allow you to view ingame container's contents without physical access.
Using the command below you can highlights the containers around you.
This is especially useful to check something like a redstone lottery machine.
Remotely access container's read-only contents.
Remove the glowing outline and automatically end the view session if all the containers are broken.
Customize viewable containers, colors and more via config.yml.
Maximum displaying up to 32 Containers at a time!
Doubled chest will be displayed separately and will not count towards the color limits of other containers.
(16 for single-type containers + 16 for double chests).
Each player's view session are completely independent, below player on the left was viewing, but player on the right could not see it.
(Almost)Everything is customizable in config.yml & messsage.yml.
User command, containerview.use
/cview view
/cview end
/cview help
Admin command, containerview.reload
/cview reload
Feel free DM my discord: mromango
With any bug report or feature ideas!