This repository contains the backend server for the Hitchhicker application. The server is built using Node.js, Express, and Apollo Server for GraphQL. It provides APIs for managing users, posts, comments, categories, journeys, places, reviews, and notifications.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Change to the project directory:
cd Hitchhiker-Server
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a
file in the root directory and add the necessary environment variables for Neo4j Database:URI = database_uri USER = database_name PASSWORD = database_password
Start the server:
npm start
The server will be running at
The project has the following structure:
├── src
│ ├── api
│ │ ├── controllers
│ │ │ ├── category.ts
│ │ │ ├── comment.ts
│ │ │ ├── journey.ts
│ │ │ ├── place.ts
│ │ │ ├── post.ts
│ │ │ ├── review.ts
│ │ │ └── user.ts
│ │ ├── appServer.ts
│ │ ├── resolver.ts
│ │ └── schema.ts
│ └── db
│ └── nodes
│ ├── CategoryNode.ts
│ ├── CommentNode.ts
│ ├── JourneyNode.ts
│ ├── NotificationNode.ts
│ ├── PlaceNode.ts
│ └── PostNode.ts
├── entities
│ ├── Notifications
│ │ ├── LikeCommentNotificationService.ts
│ │ ├── LikePostNotificationService.ts
│ │ └── NotificationService.ts
│ └── Rating
│ ├── HotelsRating.ts
│ ├── IRating.ts
│ ├── RatingFactory.ts
│ ├── ResturantRating.ts
│ ├── Category.ts
│ ├── Comment.ts
│ ├── Journey.ts
│ ├── Keyword.ts
│ ├── Notification.ts
│ ├── Place.ts
│ ├── Post.ts
│ ├── Review.ts
│ └── User.ts
├── models
│ ├── ClassificationModel.ts
│ ├── DetectionModel.ts
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── index.ts
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── input.json
├── output.json
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── tsconfig.json
- addUser: Adds a new user to the system.
- updateUser: Updates an existing user's profile.
- deleteUser: Deletes a user from the system.
- getUserProfile: Retrieves the profile of a specific user.
- followUser: Allows a user to follow another user.
- unfollowUser: Allows a user to unfollow another user.
- GetFollowingList: Retrieves a list of users that a specific user is following.
- GetFollowersList: Retrieves a list of users that are following a specific user.
- SearchUser: Searches for users by username.
- leaderBoard: Retrieves the leaderboard of users based on their scores.
- getUserNotifications: Retrieves notifications for a specific user.
- getPostsFun: Retrieves posts created by a specific user.
- getFeedFun: Retrieves the feed posts of a user's followings.
- getSavedPosts: Retrieves the posts saved by a specific user.
- getLikedPosts: Retrieves the posts liked by a specific user.
- getPlacePosts: Retrieves posts related to a specific place.
- getCategoryPosts: Retrieves posts related to a specific category.
- fetchPostById: Fetches a post by its ID.
- getArchivedPosts: Retrieves the archived posts of a user.
- createPost: Creates a new post.
- likePost: Likes a specific post.
- savePost: Saves a specific post.
- archivePost: Archives a specific post.
- unlikePost: Unlikes a specific post.
- unsavePost: Unsaves a specific post.
- unarchivePost: Unarchives a specific post.
- deletePost: Deletes a specific post.
- deleteAllPosts: Deletes all posts of a user.
- deleteAllArchivedPosts: Deletes all archived posts of a user.
- fetchPostComments: Fetches comments for a specific post.
- addComment: Adds a new comment to a post.
- replyComment: Adds a reply to a comment.
- likeComment: Likes a specific comment.
- unLikeComment: Unlikes a specific comment.
- fetchComment: Fetches a specific comment by its ID.
- updateComment: Updates a specific comment.
- fetchReplies: Fetches replies to a specific comment.
- deleteComment: Deletes a specific comment.
- createCategory: Creates a new category.
- updateCategory: Updates an existing category.
- deleteCategory: Deletes a specific category.
- fetchCategory: Fetches a specific category by its name.
- fetchAllCategories: Fetches all categories.
- fetchCategoryTree: Fetches the category tree starting from a specific category.
- SearchCategory: Searches for categories by name.
- createJourney: Creates a new journey.
- getUserJourneys: Retrieves journeys created by a specific user.
- fetchJourneyPosts: Retrieves posts related to a specific journey.
- addPostToJourney: Adds a post to a journey.
- deleteJourney: Deletes a specific journey.
- deletePostFromJourney: Deletes a post from a journey.
- addPlace: Adds a new place.
- updatePlace: Updates an existing place.
- deletePlace: Deletes a specific place.
- addPostToPlace: Adds a post to a place.
- addPlaceToCategory: Adds a place to a category.
- addReviewToPlace: Adds a review to a place.
- addRatingToPlace: Adds a rating to a place.
- addUserVisitedPlace: Marks a place as visited by a user.
- SearchPlace: Searches for places by name.
- getPlaceData: Retrieves data for a specific place.
- getReviewsFun: Retrieves reviews written by a specific user.
- fetchPlaceReviews: Retrieves reviews for a specific place.
- addReview: Adds a new review for a place.
- deleteReview: Deletes a specific review.
- upvoteReview: Upvotes a specific review.
- undoUpvoteReview: Undoes an upvote for a review.
- downvoteReview: Downvotes a specific review.
- undoDownvoteReview: Undoes a downvote for a review.
- createNotification: Creates a new notification.
Entities are defined in the src/entities
directory. Each entity represents a model in the application and contains the necessary fields and methods for CRUD operations.
export interface User {
username: string;
profilePic: string;
email: string;
password: string;
Name: string;
birthDate: number;
sex: string;
Bio: string;
followingCntr: number;
followersCntr: number;
postCntr: number;
reviewsCntr: number;
homeLocation: [number];
export interface Post {
id: string;
author: { username: string };
caption: string;
date: number;
likesCntr: number;
mediaURL: string[];
: string[];
commentsCntr: number;
place: { id: string, name: string };
keywords: string[];
category: { name: string };
export interface Comment {
id: string;
text: string;
date: number;
likesCounter: number;
repliesCntr: number;
author: { username: string };
likedBy: string[];
replies: string[];
export interface Category {
name: string;
parent?: { name: string };
export interface Place {
id: string;
name: string;
mapsId: string;
type: string;
description: string;
export interface Review {
id: string;
author: { username: string };
place: { id: string };
text: string;
rating: IRating;
date: number;
likesCntr: number;
dislikesCntr: number;
export interface Notification {
initiatorProfilePic: string;
id: string;
date: string;
initiator: string;
body: string;
author: string;
receiver: string;
referenceId: string;
referenceType: string;
initiatorsList: string[];
initiatorsCntr: number;
message: string;