Bluetooth/WIFI Serial Communication to Ardumower
#Dependencies: Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, Linux
Bluetooth Serial emulation *COM port installed (outgoing)
WIFI serial connection
by using HW "VSP3 - Virtual Serial Port"
Single-port version of HW VSP3 is available freely...
nRF24 Modules connected to Arduino Uno's can be interfaced using
RF24 branch of this repo and the RF24 Arduino librarry from TMRH20
ArdumowerDK will scan all available comports and send {.} (or you just choose one)
while listening to an "Ardumower" reply to determine if talking to Ardumower or not
Python 2.7 32bit / Python 3
#Keyboard shortcuts: Up: manual forward down: manual stop left: manual left right: manual right b: maunal back F1: manual mower off
a: automatic mode
Esc: OFF
Page up: not yet implemented
page down: not yet implemented
#Debug Window (View/Debug) ',' or '|' or '{' or '}' should not be used in the debug strings since these characters are used for filtering normal communication (commands/plot data)
#Save settings to file it's now possible to save your mowers settings to ta txt file Timer settings are ignored
#use at your own risk
thanks go to: Jacob Hallén for the io_threading recipe and Dan Savilonis for a multiplatform serial enumeration possibility and vegaseat for the ringbuffer and Michael Lange for the statusbar / class meter
and Sebastian Held and Frederic Goddeeris and the all the active developpers of the Ardumower Project
and as always: thanks for all the fish