Pathfinding is a graphical Java application for simulating pathfinding algorithms backed by the Model-View-Presenter architecture pattern
- β A*: find the shortest path in a weighted graph using an heuristic to guide the process.
- β Dijkstra: find the shortest path in a weighted graph.
- β DFS: explore a graph by going as far as possible, then backtrack.
- BFS: explore nearest successors first, then widen the search.
- Edmonds Karp: find the maximum flow in a weighted graph.
- Fringe: find the shortest path in a weighted graph using an heuristic to guide the process.
- IDA*: explore longer and longer paths in a weighted graph at the cost of multiple similar examinations.
- IDDFS: explore longer and longer paths in an unweighted graph at the cost of multiple similar examinations.
- Visualize 8 algorithms
- Switch between different themes and colors
- Add/Remove obstacles
- Relocate source and destination
- Simple Navigation
- Tweak the visualization speed easily
- Examine algorithms heuristics for each node
- Step In/Out the algorithm procedure
- [TODO] Generate perfect maze using more than 4 algorithms
- [TODO] Create custom themes easily
See the releases page for the latest build