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PAT (Performance Acceptance Tests)

The goal of this project is to create a super-simple load generation/performance testing framework for quickly and easily running load against Cloud Foundry. The tool has both a command line UI, for running quickly during a build and a web UI for tracking longer-running tests.

To run PATs, you could download the binary executable we provide, or you could clone and run the repository if you want the latest version of PATs

Download PATs Binary

If you just want to run PATs, you could download our PATs binary file.

Note: It is important that cf is accessable on your $PATH if you intend to use any of the 'cf:' workloads (see CF Cli for instructions on installing the cloudfoundry cli).

Available Binary:

  • Mac OSx 64bit
  • Linux 64bit
  • Windows 64bit

Goto to download

Clone and Setting up to run locally

These steps are to setup this project and have it run locally on your system. This includes a number of requirements for Go and the dependent libraries. If you wish to only run this project as a Cloud Foundry application, see the instructions on "Running PAT as a Cloud Foundry App" below.

  1. Ensure that Go version 1.2.x-64bit has been installed on the system

  2. Setup the GOPATH

    export GOPATH=~/go export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

  3. Install [gocart] (

    go get

  4. Download PAT and install the necessary dependencies

    go get *(Ignore any warnings about "no buildable Go source files") *(Ignore errors in src/") cd $GOPATH/src/ gocart

  5. See [CF CLI] ( for instructions on installing cf

Note: It is important that cf is accessable on your $PATH if you intend to use any of the 'cf:' workloads (see CF Cli for instructions on installing the cloudfoundry cli).

Running PAT

Running Locally

If you wish to run PAT as a Cloud Foundry app(work in progress), please refer to the section at the bottom of this page.

There are three ways to run PAT locally. For all three ways, you must first:

  1. Go through the "Setting up PAT to run locally" section

  2. Make sure that you have targeted a Cloud Foundry environment using the cf tool

    cf login

Option 1. Run the source code directly

  1. Change into the top level of this project

    cd $GOPATH/src/

  2. Execute the command line

    go run main.go -workload=cf:push

Option 2. Run the source code through a web interface

  1. Change into the top level of this project

    cd $GOPATH/src/

  2. Run PAT selecting the HTTP server option

    go run main.go -server

  3. Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080/ui

Option 3. Compile and run a PAT executable

  1. Change into the top level of this project

    cd $GOPATH/src/ go install

2a) Run the PAT executable in command line mode

pat -workload=cf:push

2b) Run the PAT executable in web interface mode

pat -server

Example command-line usage (using option 3 to illustrate):

pat -h   # will output all of the command line options if installed the recommended way

pat -concurrency=5 -iterations=5  # This will start 5 concurrent threads all pushing 1 application

pat -concurrency=5 -iterations=1  # This will only spawn a single concurrent thread instead of the 5 you requested because you are only pushing a single application

pat -concurrency=1..5 -concurrency:timeBetweenSteps=10  -iterations=5 # This will ramp from 1 to 5 workers, adding a worker every 10 seconds.

pat -silent  # If you don't want all the fancy output to be shown (results can be found in a CSV)

pat -list-workloads  # Lists the available workloads

pat -workload=cf:push,cf:push,..  # Select the workload operations you want to run (See "Workload options" below)

pat -workload=dummy  # Run the tool with a dummy operation (not against a CF environment)

pat -config=config/template.yml  # Include a configuration template specifying any number of command line arguments. (See "Using a Configuration file" section below).

pat -rest:target= \
    -rest:[email protected] \
    -rest:password=PASSWORD \
    -rest:space=xyz_space  \
    -workload=rest:target,rest:login,rest:push,rest:push \
    -concurrency=5 -iterations=20 -interval=10 # Use the REST API to make operation requests instead of cf

Workload options

The workload option specified a comma-separated list of workloads to be used in the test. The following options are available:

  • rest:target - sets the CF target. Mandatory to include before any other rest operations are listed.
  • rest:login - performs a login to the REST api. This option requires rest:target to be included in the list of workloads.
  • rest:push - pushes a simple Ruby application using the REST api. This option requires both rest:target and rest:login to be included in the list of workloads.
  • cf:push - pushes an application using the CF command-line, defaults to pushing Dora.
  • dummy - an empty workload that can be used when a CF environment is not available.
  • dummyWithErrors - an empty workload that generates errors. This can be used when a CF environment is not available.

Required arguments

Certain workload options require one or more arguments to be defined The following are a list of arguments

  • -rest:target - The Cloud Foundry URL PAT should target to. Mandatory if workload option rest:target is used.
  • -rest:username - Username for workload option rest:login. PAT supports multi credentials, for example, if you supply -rest:username=user1,user2,user3, PAT will loop through the list and use a different credential at each iteration. This argument is mandatory for workload option rest:login.
  • -rest:password - Similar to -rest:username, used to define the password for workload option rest:login.

Using Redis to create a cluster of PAT workers

Pat supports shipping workload to multiple instances using redis. This simple example starts four pat instances on the local computer which all communicate to run a workload.

cd $GOPATH/src/
redis-server redis/redis.conf # start up with in-memory only db config, good for testing, replace with a real config and change ports for real use
VCAP_APP_PORT=8080 go run main.go -use-redis-worker=true -server -redis-port=63798 -redis-host= -redis-password=p4ssw0rd -use-redis-store # instance 1
VCAP_APP_PORT=8081 go run main.go -use-redis-worker=true -server -redis-port=63798 -redis-host= -redis-password=p4ssw0rd -use-redis-store # instance 2
VCAP_APP_PORT=8082 go run main.go -use-redis-worker=true -server -redis-port=63798 -redis-host= -redis-password=p4ssw0rd -use-redis-store # instance 3
VCAP_APP_PORT=8083 go run main.go -use-redis-worker=true -server -redis-port=63798 -redis-host= -redis-password=p4ssw0rd -use-redis-store # instance 4

Using a Configuration file

PAT offers the ability to configure your command line arguments using a configuration file. There is an example in the root of the project directory called config-template.yml. To use your own custom yaml configuration file, provide the full path to the configuration file. Any setting specified as a command line argument overrides the equivalent setting contained in the config file.


pat -config=config-template.yml -iterations=2 # set iterations to 2 overriding whatever the config file says

Error Codes

In the event of an error during execution, the text of the error along with an error code will be returned to the user. Codes are as follows:

10: Error parsing input
20: Error in executing the workload


To contribute to this project, you will first need to go through the "Setting up PAT to run locally" section. This project will be maintained through the use of standard pull requests. When issuing a pull request, make sure to include sufficient testing through the ginkgo package (see below) to go along with any code changes. The tests should document functionality and provide an example of how to use it.

  1. Go through the "Setting up PAT to run locally" section

  2. Install [ginkgo] (

     go install
  3. Write and test your code following the ginkgo standards

  4. Install Prerequisites:

  • Redis: e.g. brew install redis (using HomeBrew on OSX)
  1. Run all tests within the repository

     ginkgo -r

Known Limitations / TODOs etc.

  • Numerous :)
  • Unlikely to support Windows/Internet Explorer (certainly hasn't been tested on them)
  • Current feature set is a first-pass to get to something useful, contributions very welcome
  • Lots of stuff kept in memory and not flushed out
  • Creates lots of apps, does not delete them. We normally make sure we're targetted at a 'pats' space and just cf delete-space the space after to get rid of everything.
  • Only supports basic operations so far (push via cf, target + login + push via rest api)
  • cf workloads assume single already-logged-in-and-targetted user


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