Releases: Humans-of-Julia/TypeDBClient.jl
Removed unused source code files and cleaned up the tests to prevent deleting databases not needed in the tests.
TypeDBClient v0.1.0
First release
Closed issues:
- Translate the tests for the Concept API (#4)
- Translate the Concept API classes (#5)
- Translate the .proto files to make connection work (#6)
- Collect general useful sources for translating Python classes into Julia (#7)
- HTTP/2 protocol in Julia (#19)
- gRPC implementation (#20)
- protobuf files (#21)
- BDD implementation for testing (#22)
- BDD: Implement "background" code (#37)
- BDD: Implement "context" code (#38)
- BDD: Implement common parsing functions (#39)
- BDD: Implement concept steps (#40)
- BDD: Implement connection steps (#41)
- BDD: Configure CI to run BDD tests (#43)
- Script prepare the translation from the java client to Julia (#49)
- Implement session (#58)
- Implement transaction (#59)
- Implement concepts (#60)
- BDD example implementation (#62)
- Implement QueryManager (#70)
- AttributeType constructor should run with Label (#71)
Merged pull requests:
- fix typo (#1) (@mkschulze)
- Create (#2) (@mkschulze)
- Fresh start (with PkgTemplates.jl) + integration of previous code/info (#3) (@Azzaare)
- Initial docs and new readme (#9) (@mkschulze)
- Test automatic doc build (#11) (@Azzaare)
- Smoothed the logo and cleaned .toml files (#12) (@mkschulze)
- Initial Python ci & templates for issues & PR (#14) (@mkschulze)
- Setup ci with PyCall workflow (#16) (@mkschulze)
- Draft: Make connection to Grakn server work (#17) (@mkschulze)
- Updates and restructuring (#25) (@mkschulze)
- Fixed doc generation for stable and dev doc commit (#26) (@Azzaare)
- Added setup script for protocol generation (#27) (@mkschulze)
- Implementing initial testing suite (#28) (@mkschulze)
- Simplify CI (#32) (@Azzaare)
- Merge CI patch (#34) (@mkschulze)
- Merge latest dev into main (#36) (@mkschulze)
- First implementation of Session and Transaction (#45) (@FrankUrbach)
- Fix Session_Type reference (#46) (@tk3369)
- correct database manager calling functions (#48) (@FrankUrbach)
- Clean up of local files (#50) (@mkschulze)
- Clean and delete local files (#52) (@mkschulze)
- Architecture refactor (#56) (@FrankUrbach)
- Tanmay grpc test (#57) (@FrankUrbach)
- BDD: implement steps (#61) (@mkschulze)
- Implement RequestBuilder, Thing & Type concepts (#63) (@tk3369)
- Merging the first working transactions (#64) (@FrankUrbach)
- Concepts updates (#65) (@tk3369)
- Remove unnecessary xml files (#67) (@tk3369)
- Renaming the source code from Grakn to TypeDB (#68) (@mkschulze)
- refactorings according comments on the first transaction PR (#69) (@FrankUrbach)
- Merge actual work on QueryManager and LogicManager (#72) (@FrankUrbach)
- Fu/transaction one result (#73) (@FrankUrbach)
- Fu/query manager -- remover minor errors (#74) (@FrankUrbach)
- Fu/help for explainables (#75) (@FrankUrbach)
- Changed the protocol to the new TypeDB release 2.1.0 (#77) (@FrankUrbach)
- Bdd/implement connection steps (#78) (@FrankUrbach)
- ThingType and AttributeType remote functions & bunch of clean-up's (#79) (@tk3369)
- Update Documentation (#81) (@mkschulze)
- Add frontend convenient functions (#88) (@tk3369)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Behavior" at version "0.3" (#89) (@github-actions[bot])
- Ms/bdd concepts (#90) (@FrankUrbach)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Pretend at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#105) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Documenter at version 0.27, (keep existing compat) (#114) (@github-actions[bot])
- make the BDD test run stable and give an result (#115) (@FrankUrbach)
- Yaml workflow file to run the BDD test within CI (#116) (@mkschulze)
- New status badge for BDD (#117) (@mkschulze)
- Add more time until the request will timed out in schema session in BDD tests (#118) (@FrankUrbach)
- changed the requirements in the docs (#119) (@FrankUrbach)
- Review of the initial docs (#120) (@mkschulze)
- use the corrected docs by Mark (#121) (@FrankUrbach)
- Merge the speed improvements to the main branch (#122) (@FrankUrbach)
First release of TypeDBClient.jl
This is our first release of the client for the TypeDB database. In a journey of nearly 1 year we faced some challenges, managed some system changes on the target database and forced to develop needed packages on whose shoulders we stand today. A huge thank you goes to:
Erik Edin, for your work on the great Behavior.jl
Tom Kwong, for your enlightening and patient work on parts of the client
Scott P. Jones, for your great reviews on the source code and your support with the first gRPC Client
Mark Schulz, for initiating all the things and hold us together at the long journey
Tanmay Mohapatra, for your great work on the final gPRCClient and ProtoBuf.jl