Pre-filtered mipmapped radiance environment map generator that runs on WebAssembly. The core functionality is implemented by Rust and is available as a standalone crate.
- LTASG (linear-time approximate spherical Gaussian) filtering that can be used to approximate the Blinn-Phong NDF for small roughness values.
- The algorithm is implemented to run entirely on the CPU. This allows asynchronous processing that does not interfere with the main thread's operation, which is hard to achieve with a WebGL-based implementation.
- More filtering algorithms and techniques
- GGX + importance sampling
- GGX + Fast Filtering of Reflection Probes
- Linear filtering in LTASG
- The currently used nearest neighbor filtering produces a poor result unless the number of passes is set to at least two or three.
- Investigate the behavior with large σ values
requires a web browser supporting WebAssembly.
IE | Edge | Firefox | Chrome | Safari | iOS Safari |
No | ≥ 16 | ≥ 53 | ≥ 57 | ≥ 11 | ≥ 11 |
With npm do:
npm install --save hyper3d-envmapgen
Other installation methods are not supported at this moment. Use webpack or Browserify. They are really awesome.
The following TypeScript code shows the basic usage of hyper3d-envmapgen
Just remove the type annotations to convert it to JavaScript.
import { LtasgBlur, ImageFormat } from 'hyper3d-envmapgen';
(async () => {
// See `ts/ltasgblur.ts` for all options
const ltasg: LtasgBlur = await LtasgBlur.create({
// The size of the base mipmap
imageSize: 128,
// The σ value (blur size) of each mipmap level. Must be reasonably
// smaller than 1.
mipLevelSigmas: Array.from(
new Array(8),
(_, i) => 0.5 ** (6 - Math.min(4, i))
// The number of passes — have an impact on the filtering quality.
// You usually specify one of 1, 2, and 3.
minNumPasses: 2,
// Construct the mipmap pyramid
const mipmapLevels = ltasg.process(
images.positiveX, images.negativeX,
images.positiveY, images.negativeY,
images.positiveZ, images.negativeZ,
) as Uint8Array[][];
for (let level = 0; level <= Math.log2(ltasg.size); ++level) {
for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + k, level,
gl.SRGB_ALPHA_EXT, ltasg.size >> level, ltasg.size >> level,
level < mipmapLevels.length ? mipmapLevels[level][i] : null);
And then in your fragment shader...
float phong_power = 1024.0;
float lod = 6.0 - log2(phong_power) * 0.5 - 1.0;
vec3 image = textureCubeLodEXT(u_Texture, v_Reflect, lod);
This repository provides a crate named hyperenvmapgen
, which can be found in the directory rust
This crate is never meant to be stablized. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to specify the revision hash as shown below:
git = ""
See rust/examples/
for the usage.
# Install the Rust toolchain for WebAssembly compilation
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
cargo install --git
# Install necessary packages
npm install
# Build the library
npm run build
# Build and open the demo
npm run start:examples
hyper3d-envmapgen, Copyright © 2017 yvt
The source code of this library is licensed under the MIT License.