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This is a beautiful FluentUI component library based on Qt QML. Currently the main branch supports Qt 6. If you want to use it in Qt 5, checkout the Qt 5 branch.
- Qt Core, Qt Quick, Qt QML, Qt ShaderTool, Qt 5 Compatibility Module. (Essential)
- Qt LinguistTool (optional,for translations)
- Qt Svg (optional, however essential for Qt 5)
Use Qt Online Installers to acquire the modules (Recommended) or compile them first before using the library.
Download the pre-built release. (Please specify your platform and compilers.)
- Clone the repository.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI.git
- Build
git clone --recursive https://github.com/zhuzichu520/FluentUI.git
cd FluentUI
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --config Release --target all --parallel
- Use your IDE (
Qt Creator
) to open the project. (only CMake supported).
Compile the project. Then try to execute the
demo program. -
Great! Now you are ready to write your first QML FluentUI program! Check the documentations for more details.
(Work in progress...🚀)
View more here
- Windows design: Design guidelines and toolkits of Microsoft.
- Microsoft/WinUI-Gallery: Microsoft's demo
This FluentUI library currently licensed under MIT License