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A Facebook clone application.

I built it with Express and MongoDB for the backend and React for the frontend, I used Typescript for both.

It was the final project for Full-stack JavaScript course, the task was just to build a Facebook with the core features (posts, likes, comments, friends).

It took me a lot of time because of college exams and other stuff.

I learned a lot in this project, those are some points:

for the backend:

  • first time using Typescript for backend, it helped a lot and I will never go back to untyped JavaScript again
  • first time I write tests for an API (around 200 test)
  • I used Oauth2 (login with Facebook)
  • I got better in writing MongoDB queries (friend recommendation was kind of challenging)
  • I made custom middlewares for authorization and user roles

for the frontend:

  • I tried to make reusable components as much as I can (cards, buttons, a hook for pagination)
  • I used some SCSS features (extending classes, variables, partials)
  • I wrote many Typescripts interfaces and It benefited me a good deal

that's it, I guess!