Releases: IAmTheNerdNextDoor/SmolXP
Version 2.0 (Major Release Milestone!)
Major Release 2.0!
This is a milestone for this project! Never thought I'd see a 2.0 of this! All of this couldn't of been done without the help of @yum13241! Thank you so SO much for all of your help!
Now, this project was originally wasn't going to end up as a project. This was just the result of me getting a hold of nLite, and just messing around with it. I originally wanted to see what would happen. What resulted from that? SmolXP did. When I started this, I didn't know there was something like this. Apparently LiteXP exists.
Information about this release
May I mention that this build FINALLY has a x64 release too! Yes, for the people that want to run this on their god tier PC (Even though you probably can't, but it's worth a try.) while being able to utilise all of their memory and not just under 3GB, now they can!
This release was remastered with a completely new ISO from Enderman's site! (Yes, the same Enderman who made the Windows 11 on a Pentium 4 video and other great masterpieces. Shout out to him for having like every version of Windows ever available to download and for making great videos.) Apparently, the ISO I was using before wasn't perfect and was a bit broken.
SmolXP is also smaller than LiteXP! Even x64 is smaller than it too! Also, please keep in mind that the x64 version is much bigger at 198MB. This is due to the fact that it supports both 32-bit and 64-bit apps too and that the code is made for x64 machines requiring more code to handle more resources and stuff properly.
Here is a new section, what was added and what was removed?
Added things
Generic networking drivers!
Full theming support, Luna is back and unsigned themes can be added!
SFC is now disabled!
This only increases the ISO size by 9MB, astonishing!
Removed things
WPADISABLE.bat is no longer copied to the desktop but is still on the ISO.
Issues fixed
First, the ISO as it was apparently a bit corrupted after trying to load it in a different program. @yum13241 had pointed out that Windows XP ISO's downloaded from the Internet Archive have more data than they should after the main data ends while the ones from Enderman's Site doesn't have that issue meaning we are finally using standard ISO's.
Issues not fixed
VBox Guest Editions will NOT WORK on SmolXP x64. It apparently removes features more than it should add them. I don't think this is a bug with SmolXP x64 but rather Windows XP x64 itself, so it won't recognised as a proper bug and will not be fixed.
In conclusion...
This should hopefully really be the last build. Again, I thank @yum13241 for everything he has done with this project. I am happy he helped me and got the project to 2.0. Couldn't have done it without you.
I also think I've never written this much for a GitHub release, this is a lot of text.
Version 1.3 (Hopefully The Last Build)
Release 1.3!
This update now fixes the WPADISABLE.bat not running issue by just copying it to the desktop and letting you run it yourself. Again this build was done by @yum13241! Huge thanks to him!
Issues fixed
Issued not fixed
Once again, huge thanks to @yum13241 for his help!
So, this is the last build?
It might be. Depends. It seems like me and yum13241 have fixed everything and achieved the goal of making a lightweight Windows XP. Whether it be customization, testing purposes or just if your in a hurry to get an OS on your computer or VM, this should meet your demands.
Version 1.2 (The Official Unofficial Build)
Release 1.2!
This update FINALLY fixes that automatic drive wiping thing that was accidentally set. Credits and thanks to @yum13241 for making this build as this wasn't created by me. He created an issue here that you can look at.
He fixed a whole host of issues.
Issues fixed
Product Key Setup bug
Auto drive format during textmode setup
and if I remember there was a bug relating to signon.
Issues not fixed
WPADISABLE.bat not running before explorer loads for first time. (Just go to the cd root and run from there. Not too big of a deal.)
Once again, huge thanks to @yum13241 for his help!
Version 1.1
Release 1.1!
This update adds instructions on the ISO on how to hopefully disable Activation.
Hibernation, System Restore and other things that take up space have been removed and disabled too. Go to the CD drive and click WPADISABLE.bat and it will give you instructions.
Important Info
I forgot how to disable this so I'll release a 1.2 if I figure it out. IF YOU BOOT INTO THE CD. IT. WILL. WIPE. YOUR DRIVE. It's somehow set it do that due to unattended setup. I need to fix this so please if you install this new version that you better hope that if you accidentally boot into it you didn't have anything important on the drive!!!
Version 1.0
Release 1.0!
The first version of SmolXP! Installs in 3 minutes and boots in 7 seconds! Enjoy!
PS: if you're wondering why its 80mb but the install takes up a gig then you should turn off your page file in the control panel. that should bring it down to 400mb or so.