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How to connect to a DB2 database via JDBC toolkit

Ahmad Nouri edited this page Jan 17, 2019 · 5 revisions

How to connect to a DB2 database via JDBC toolkit

This document describes a step by step instruction to connect to a DB2 database via JDBC toolkit and get the SQL code and SQL message in case of any error.

1 - Download the DB2 jdbc driver (db2jcc4.jar) from:

2 - Create a database and a test table in your DB2 database

login as db2inst1 on your DB2 server

create a database for example TESTDB2

create a test table and insert some data into table.

db2 create database TESTDB2
DB20000I  The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.

db2 connect to TESTDB2 user db2inst1 using db2passwd
Database Connection Information
Database server        = DB2/LINUXX8664 11.1.1
SQL authorization ID   = DB2INST1
Local database alias   = TESTDB2

db2 "create table test (name varchar(30), id int)";
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

db2 "insert into test values ('jim', 1)";
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 "insert into test values ('kati', 2)";
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 "select * from  test";
NAME                 ID         
-------------------- -----------
jim                            1
kati                           2
2 record(s) selected.

3- Create a SPL project in your Streams server




 # Copyright (C)2014, 2017 International Business Machines Corporation and
 # others. All Rights Reserved.

 // *******************************************************************************
 // The sample SPL application JDBCDb2 demonstrates how to connect to a DB2 database 
 // and select data from a table using JDBCRun operator.
 // It demonstrates also how to get the SQL message in case of any error.
 // Required Streams Version = 4.1.x.x
 // Required JDBC Toolkit Version = 1.2.2
 // DB2 jdbc driver (db2jcc4.jar)
 // To connect to database, the following parameters need to be specified:
 // jdbcDriverLib   : the jdbc driver libraries (download the jdbc driver file from DB2 site 
 // and store it in the opt folder, e.g. opt/db2jcc4.jar)
 // jdbcClassName   : the class name for db2 jdbc driver (
 // jdbcUrl         : the database URL. (e.g. "jdbc:db2://<your db2 databsae server>:50000/<your db2 database name>:retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage=true;" )
 // If you want to get more information in case of any SQL error add the following DB2
 // JDBC parameter to your jdbcUrl:
 // retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage=true;
 // more detail in:
 // dbcUser         :  the database user on whose behalf the connection is being made.
 // jdbcPassword    : the user’s password.
 // sqlStatusAttr   : "error" ;
  // In this SPL sample:
 // "select" operator demonstrates how to run SQL statement from stream attribute via statementAttr parameter
 // In this sample the JDBCRun operator connect to the database and read all rows from test table and 
 // write them into data/output.csv
 // The second output port "error" provide SQL code SQL Status and SQL message in case  of any SQL error.
 // *******************************************************************************/
 namespace application ;
 use* ;
 use* ;
  * JDBCRunErrorPort demonstrates how to use Error Port with JDBCRun operator.
 composite JDBCDb2
	expression<rstring> $jdbcDriverLib : "opt/db2jcc4.jar" ;
	expression<rstring> $jdbcClassName : "" ;
	expression<rstring> $jdbcUrl : "jdbc:db2://;" ;
	expression<rstring> $jdbcUser : "db2inst1" ;
	expression<rstring> $jdbcPassword : "db2passwd" ;
 		insertSchema = int32 ID, rstring NAME ;
 		rsSchema = int32 ID, rstring NAME ;
 		selectSchema = rstring sql ;
 		stream<insertSchema> pulse = Beacon()
 				iterations : 1000u ;
 				initDelay : 5.0 ;
 		(stream<rsSchema> runSql ; stream<tuple<insertSchema> inTuple, JdbcSqlStatus_T error> errors) =
 				state :
 					mutable int32 count = 0  ;
 			//	mutable int32 n=0
 				onTuple pulse : printStringLn((rstring) count++) ;

 				jdbcDriverLib  : $jdbcDriverLib ;
 				jdbcClassName  : $jdbcClassName ;
 				jdbcUrl        : $jdbcUrl ;
 				jdbcUser       : $jdbcUser ;
 				jdbcPassword   : $jdbcPassword ;
 //				statement      : "SELECT * FROM TEST" ;
 				statement      : "SELECT * FROM TEST2" ;
 				sqlStatusAttr  : "error" ;
 		() as errorprint = Custom(errors)
 				onTuple errors : printStringLn("sqlCode: " +(rstring) error.sqlCode + ", sqlState: " +
 					error.sqlState + ", sqlMessage: " + error.sqlMessage) ;
 		() as runSqlprint = FileSink(runSql)
 				onTuple runSql : printStringLn((rstring) ID + "," + NAME) ;
 				file : "output.csv" ;

4 - Make the SPL application

create a Makefile and run make

 # Copyright (C)2014, 2017 International Business Machines Corporation and
 # others. All Rights Reserved.
 .PHONY: all clean
 #SPLC_FLAGS = -t $(STREAMS_INSTALL)/toolkits/  --data-directory data
 SPLC_FLAGS = -t ../streamsx.jdbc/  --data-directory data
 all: data clean
 	mkdir data
 	$(SPLC) $(SPLC_FLAGS) -C -M $(SPL_MAIN_COMPOSITE1) --output-dir output
 	-rm -rf toolkit.xml
 	-rm -rf data/output.csv

5 - Run the SPL application

Change the database credentials in SPL file with your database credentials and run

 $> make

Start the application with

 $> output/bin/standalone

6 - check the SQL message

Change the statement in SPL file to

statement : "SELECT * FROM TEST2" ;

The table TEST2 doesn't exist in the database

$> make
$> output/bin/standalone

The JDCBRun operator delivers the following SQL code and SQL message, because the table TEST2 does not exist.

 sqlCode: -204, sqlState: 42704, sqlMessage: "DB2INST1.TEST2" is an undefined name.. SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, DRIVER=4.16.53