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James Cancilla edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 8 revisions

The following steps should be followed to generate a new release:

  • In your local workspace, run git flow release start vX.Y.Z (assuming git-flow is installed)
    • You should now be in the release/vX.Y.Z branch
  • Bump version number
  • Generate a release by running gradle release
  • Run a greenthread test against the release (not the toolkit in your git repo)
    1. Extract the generated release in /tmp
    2. Pick one of the samples and update the toolkitPath variable in build.gradle to point to /tmp/
    3. Update the etc/*.properties to point to a Kafka cluster
    4. Run gradle build to build the sample
    5. Run the sample: streamtool submitjob output/<sample_name>/<sample_name>.sab
    6. DELETE the toolkit from /tmp
  • Merge release/vX.Y.Z into both master and develop:
    • gradle clean
    • git add
    • git commit -m "Update version to vX.Y.Z"
    • git flow release finish vX.Y.Z
  • Push master and develop to Github repo: git push
  • Push the tag to the Github repo: git push --tags
  • Generate a release on Github using the pushed tag
  • DONE!