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laspsandoval committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 3353f07 commit 64b0a4c
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Showing 2 changed files with 315 additions and 0 deletions.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions imap_processing/spice/
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Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,12 @@
import functools
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

import numpy as np
import spiceypy as spice
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from spiceypy.utils.exceptions import SpiceyError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,3 +159,214 @@ def wrapper_ensure_spice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
return _decorator(f_py)
return _decorator

def create_pointing_frame() -> Path:
Create the pointing frame.
path_to_pointing_frame : Path
Path to dps frame.
# TODO: this part will change with ensure_spice decorator.
# Mount path to EFS.
mount_path = Path(os.getenv("EFS_MOUNT_PATH", ""))

# TODO: this part will change with ensure_spice decorator.
kernels = [str(file) for file in mount_path.iterdir()]
ck_kernel = [str(file) for file in mount_path.iterdir() if file.suffix == ".bc"]

# Furnish the kernels.
with spice.KernelPool(kernels):
# Get timerange for the pointing frame kernel.
et_start, et_end, et_times = _get_et_times(str(ck_kernel[0]))
# Create a rotation matrix
rotation_matrix = _create_rotation_matrix(et_times)

# Convert the rotation matrix to a quaternion.
q_avg = spice.m2q(rotation_matrix)

# TODO: come up with naming convention.
path_to_pointing_frame = mount_path / "imap_dps.bc"

# Open a new CK file, returning the handle of the opened file.
handle = spice.ckopn(str(path_to_pointing_frame), "CK", 0)
# Get the SCLK ID.
id_imap_sclk = spice.gipool("CK_-43000_SCLK", 0, 1)
# Convert start and end times to SCLK.
sclk_begtim = spice.sce2c(int(id_imap_sclk), et_start)
sclk_endtim = spice.sce2c(int(id_imap_sclk), et_end)

# Get the pointing frame ID.
id_imap_dps = spice.gipool("FRAME_IMAP_DPS", 0, 1)

# Create the pointing frame kernel.
# Handle of an open CK file.
# Start time of the segment.
# End time of the segment.
# Pointing frame ID.
# Reference frame.
"ECLIPJ2000", # Reference frame
# Identifier.
# Number of pointing intervals.
# Start times of individual pointing records within segment.
# Since there is only a single record this is equal to sclk_begtim.
# End times of individual pointing records within segment.
# Since there is only a single record this is equal to sclk_endtim.
np.array([sclk_endtim]), # Single stop time
# Average quaternion.
# 0.0 Angular rotation terms.
np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
# Rates (seconds per tick) at which the quaternion and
# angular velocity change.

# Close CK file.

return path_to_pointing_frame

def _get_et_times(ck_kernel: str) -> tuple[float, float, np.ndarray]:
Get times for pointing start and stop.
ck_kernel : str
Path of ck_kernel used to create the pointing frame.
et_start : float
Pointing start time.
et_end : float
Pointing end time.
et_times : numpy.ndarray
Array of times between et_start and et_end.
# Get the spacecraft ID.
id_imap_spacecraft = spice.gipool("FRAME_IMAP_SPACECRAFT", 0, 1)

# TODO: Queried pointing start and stop times here.

# Get the coverage window
cover = spice.ckcov(ck_kernel, int(id_imap_spacecraft), True, "SEGMENT", 0, "TDB")
et_start, et_end = spice.wnfetd(cover, 0)
# 1 spin/15 seconds; 10 quaternions / spin
num_samples = (et_end - et_start) / 15 * 10
et_times = np.linspace(et_start, et_end, int(num_samples))

return et_start, et_end, et_times

def _average_quaternions(et_times: np.ndarray) -> NDArray:
Average the quaternions.
et_times : numpy.ndarray
Array of times between et_start and et_end.
q_avg : np.ndarray
Average quaternion.
aggregate = np.zeros((4, 4))
for tdb in et_times:
# we use a quick and dirty method here for grabbing the quaternions
# from the attitude kernel. Depending on how well the kernel input
# data is built and sampled, there may or may not be aliasing with this
# approach. If it turns out that we need to pull the quaternions
# directly from the CK there are several routines that exist to do this
# but it's not straight forward. We'll revisit this if needed.

# Rotation matrix from IMAP spacecraft frame to ECLIPJ2000.
body_rots = spice.pxform("IMAP_SPACECRAFT", "ECLIPJ2000", tdb)
# Convert rotation matrix to quaternion.
body_quat = spice.m2q(body_rots)

# Standardize the quaternion so that they may be compared.
body_quat = body_quat * np.sign(body_quat[0])
# Aggregate quaternions into a single matrix.
aggregate += np.outer(body_quat, body_quat)

# Reference: "On Averaging Rotations"
# Link:
aggregate /= len(et_times)

# Compute eigen values and vectors of the matrix A
# Eigenvalues tell you how much "influence" each
# direction (eigenvector) has.
# The largest eigenvalue corresponds to the direction
# that has the most influence.
# The eigenvector corresponding to the largest
# eigenvalue points in the direction that has the most
# combined rotation influence.
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(aggregate)
# q0: The scalar part of the quaternion.
# q1, q2, q3: The vector part of the quaternion.
q_avg = eigvecs[:, np.argmax(eigvals)]

return q_avg

def _create_rotation_matrix(et_times: np.ndarray) -> NDArray:
Create a rotation matrix.
et_times : numpy.ndarray
Array of times between et_start and et_end.
rotation_matrix : np.ndarray
Rotation matrix.
# Averaged quaternions.
q_avg = _average_quaternions(et_times)

# Converts the averaged quaternion (q_avg) into a rotation matrix
# and get inertial z axis.
z_avg = spice.q2m(list(q_avg))[:, 2]
# y_avg is perpendicular to both z_avg and the standard Z-axis.
y_avg = np.cross(z_avg, [0, 0, 1])
# x_avg is perpendicular to y_avg and z_avg.
x_avg = np.cross(y_avg, z_avg)

# Construct the rotation matrix from x_avg, y_avg, z_avg
rotation_matrix = np.asarray([x_avg, y_avg, z_avg])

return rotation_matrix
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions imap_processing/tests/spice/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
"""Tests coverage for imap_processing/spice/"""

import os

import numpy as np
import pytest
import spiceypy as spice
from spiceypy.utils.exceptions import SpiceyError

from imap_processing.spice import kernels
from imap_processing.spice.kernels import (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,3 +76,95 @@ def test_ensure_spice_key_error():
# functions that it decorates.
with pytest.raises(SpiceyError):
_ = wrapped(577365941.184, "ISOC", 3) == "2018-04-18T23:24:31.998"

def kernels(spice_test_data_path):
"""Create kernel list."""
kernels = [str(file) for file in spice_test_data_path.iterdir()]

return kernels

def ck_kernel(spice_test_data_path):
"""Location of ck kernel to create pointing kernel from."""
return spice_test_data_path / "imap_spin.bc"

def et_times(ck_kernel, kernels):
"""Tests get_et_times function."""

with spice.KernelPool(kernels):
et_start, et_end, et_times = _get_et_times(str(ck_kernel))

return et_times

def test_get_et_times(kernels, ck_kernel):
"""Tests get_et_times function."""

with spice.KernelPool(kernels):
et_start, et_end, et_times = _get_et_times(str(ck_kernel))

assert et_start == 802008069.184905
assert et_end == 802015267.184906
assert et_times[0] == et_start
assert et_times[-1] == et_end

def test_average_quaternions(et_times, kernels):
"""Tests average_quaternions function."""

with spice.KernelPool(kernels):
q_avg = _average_quaternions(et_times)

# Generated from MATLAB code results
q_avg_expected = np.array([-0.6611, 0.4981, -0.5019, -0.2509])
np.testing.assert_allclose(q_avg, q_avg_expected, atol=1e-4)

def test_create_rotation_matrix(et_times, kernels):
"""Tests create_rotation_matrix function."""

with spice.KernelPool(kernels):
rotation_matrix = _create_rotation_matrix(et_times)
q_avg = _average_quaternions(et_times)
z_avg = spice.q2m(list(q_avg))[:, 2]

rotation_matrix_expected = np.array(
[[0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000], [0.9104, -0.4136, 0.0000], [0.4136, 0.9104, 0.0000]]
z_avg_expected = np.array([0.4136, 0.9104, 0.0000])

np.testing.assert_allclose(z_avg, z_avg_expected, atol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(rotation_matrix, rotation_matrix_expected, atol=1e-4)

def test_create_pointing_frame(monkeypatch, spice_test_data_path, ck_kernel, tmp_path):
"""Tests create_pointing_frame function."""
monkeypatch.setenv("EFS_MOUNT_PATH", str(spice_test_data_path))

# After imap_dps.bc has been created.
kernels = [str(file) for file in spice_test_data_path.iterdir()]

with spice.KernelPool(kernels):
et_start, et_end, et_times = _get_et_times(str(ck_kernel))

rotation_matrix_1 = spice.pxform("ECLIPJ2000", "IMAP_DPS", et_start + 100)
rotation_matrix_2 = spice.pxform("ECLIPJ2000", "IMAP_DPS", et_start + 1000)

# All the rotation matrices should be the same.
assert np.array_equal(rotation_matrix_1, rotation_matrix_2)

# Nick Dutton's MATLAB code result
rotation_matrix_expected = np.array(
[[0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000], [0.9104, -0.4136, 0.0000], [0.4136, 0.9104, 0.0000]]
np.testing.assert_allclose(rotation_matrix_1, rotation_matrix_expected, atol=1e-4)

# Verify imap_dps.bc has been created.
assert (spice_test_data_path / "imap_dps.bc").exists()
os.remove(spice_test_data_path / "imap_dps.bc")

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