Communication channels for isolates based on Flutter's plugin channels
- Helper functions to spawn, setup, and connect to isolates
- Method channels for making method calls to an isolate and receiving the result
- Event channels for receiving streamed events from an isolate
In the parent isolate, use the spawnIsolate
function to spawn a new isolate and connect to it
final connection = await spawnIsolate(isolateEntryPoint);
In the newly spawned isolate, use the setupIsolate
function to set up the isolate for channel communication
void isolateEntryPoint(SendPort send) {
final connection = setupIsolate(send);
Now create communication channels in both isolates
final methodChannel = IsolateMethodChannel('method_channel', connection);
final eventChannel = IsolateEventChannel('event_channel', connection);
Set up handlers for the channels in the newly spawned isolate
methodChannel.setMethodCallHandler((call) {
switch (call.method) {
case 'example_method':
return 'World!';
return call.notImplemented();
onListen: (arguments, sink) {
code: 'error',
message: 'Something went wrong',
details: 1234,
onCancel: (arguments) => print('Canceled: $arguments'),
Now you can use the channels to communicate
final result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod('example_method', 'Hello');
final stream = eventChannel.receiveBroadcastStream();
And close the connection when you're done
Pass an isolate's send port to the connectToIsolate
function to connect to it. A send port can be retrieved from an IsolateNameServer.
final connection = connectToIsolate(send);