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Adrian Potter edited this page Dec 19, 2016 · 3 revisions

Polariser, Guide and Collimation


This is a single-axis Galil-controlled device that has 3 pre-defined stop positions.


To set up the PGC, complete the following steps:

Create the Galil axis configuration

Go to C:\Instrument\Settings\Config\NDX[DEVICE_NAME]\configurations\galil and create a file called motionsetpoints.cmd if one doesn't already exist. Add the following:

$(IFDMC01) epicsEnvSet "LOOKUPFILE2" "$(ICPCONFIGROOT)/motionSetPoints/pgc.txt"
$(IFDMC01) motionSetPointsConfigure("LOOKUPFILE2","LOOKUPFILE2")

Note that there are several points of customisation here: 1. The 01 in IFDMC01 refers to the Galil number. If you are using IOC GALIL_02 then this should instead be IFDMC02 1. References to MTR0102 should point to the motor you wish to use. If, for instance, you are using GALIL_06, axis 3, this should be MTR0603. Be careful to replace all the references, there are 3. 1. Make sure that the lookup file, LOOKUPFILE2 is unique in this file. You might have to use a difference name if LOOKUPFILE2 is already taken. So long as the name is consistent, it will work.

Set up the motion set points

Create a file called C:\Instrument\Settings\Config\NDX[DEVICE_NAME]\configurations\motionSetPoints\pgc.txt. You may have to create the directory as well if it doesn't exist already. Add the following:

Polariser -2
Guide 0
Collimator 2

There are several points of customisation:

  1. The names provide a guide to which position corresponds to which component. You can name these however you like and will be used to populate the buttons in the OPI.
  2. The second column is for the motor positions corresponding to each component. These will have to be set corresponding to the device setup.

Set up the OPI

Open a PGC OPI as normal either via a synoptic of the devices screen. Typical value for the macros are

  1. PGC: PGC. This will only be different if you've changed the prefix in motionsetpoints.cmd. That is not recommended.
  2. MM: MOT:MTR0102. This corresponds to the motor record being used for the PGC and, combined with the MOT prefix, will correspond to the value you used when setting up motionsetpoints.cmd
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