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Tools to compare ASR transcripts with metrics

The compare_transcripts tool will load a reference transcript and one or more hypothesis transcripts and compare them. It supports loading text, webvtt, whisper json, and json produced by 3play. The file format is automatically detected.

When running the comparison, the usual gang of statistics are produced:

  • word error rate
  • match error rate
  • word information lost / word information preserved
  • number of hits, substitutions, insertions and deletions

Additionally, it will try to detect these ASR issues:

  • hallucinations - the addition of words which were not there
  • dropouts - ignoring words that weren't there

Transcript normalization

There are three places where the transcript content can be modified to provide consistency between the different transcripts.


When the transcript is loaded and converted into a list of words, the format-specific loader should remove anything that is specific to that format.

The loader classes take strip_meta and strip_speaker parameters to control the removal of out-of-band information.

strip_meta will remove content which isn't actually spoken. Description of sounds or music, or other inserted metadata.

For example, in a 3play transcript there can be words surrounded by [? and ?] tokens which indicate the transcriber was unsure of the text. These tokens are removed.

strip_speaker will remove any speaker identification information that's in the transcript text.


Since the editorial standards of each transcript may be different, there are many phrases or words which may be different but mean the same thing. Numbers can be tricky, as well as currency

  • $2
  • two dollars

Are really the same thing but will mismatch since the transcripts are processed on a word-by-word basis. The above would consist of a substitution and an insert.

During the transformation phase, list of transcript words can be passed to different functions and they can alter the list as needed -- including adding an removing words. In the above example, the currency will modify $2 into two dollars.

Transformation functions should look at the transcription as a whole and make what are effectively style changes.

Slighly related, The Guardian uses (used?) regular expressions to verify the writers were following the style guidelines:

This is similar behavior.

The result of the transformation becomes the canonical transcript text.


The filtering phase of the pipeline modifies single words to allow identical words to match, even if they look different. Removing punctuation characters and case folding are two examples here.

The word count should not be modified since these are word-for-word modifications

The Comparison

At this point the text of the reference and the hypothesis should be normalized in the same way. The comparison uses jiwer to retrieve the "usual" statistics, but there are additional detections to find hallucinations and dropouts

Hallucination / Dropout Detection

The hallucination and dropout detection is based on detecting runs of edits and checking the length of the run and looking at the ratio of inserts (in the case of hallucinations) or deletions (in the case of dropbouts) and comparing it to a ratio. Runs anchored at the beginning of the transcript, at the end of the transcript, or in the middle of the transcript can use different parameters.

The default settings are (percentages show, but 0.0 - 1.0 is used internally):

Parameter Hallucination Dropout
Primary edits for a run Inserts Deletions
Other allowed edits Substitutions Substitutions
Min Length (start) 2 2
Primary Edit Ratio (start) 100% 100%
Min Length (mid) 4 4
Primary Edit Ratio (mid) 100% 100%
Min Length (end) 4 4
Primary Edit Ratio (end) 100% 100%

Since the ratios are all 100%, any run of edits found must all be the primary edit -- to be an hallucination at the end of the transcript it has to be at least 4 words long and only consist of insertions.

By lowering the ratio the number of hallucinations or dropbouts detected will likely increase since words that nearly matched an existing word and was treated as a substitution would be allowed.


Once the comparison(s) have been computed, the results are rendered. There are three renderings available

In all renderings, the --comparison-words option on compare_transcripts or the original_words parameter in the rendering functions control whether the original word from the transcript (post-transformation) is shown or if the actual words compared are shown.

Examples of the renderings are in the test/*/*.{html,txt,csv} directory.


The HTML rendering uses a Jinja2 template to format the results. It is possible to use a different template. The usual statistics are reported as well as any hallucinations or dropouts. Edits relative to the reference transcript are displayed using a style similar to tracking edits in a text editor.


The text rendering also uses a Jinja2 template, which can be overridden by the user. The transcripts are reported linarly, and the edits are shown in three line triples indiating Reference transcript, Hypothesis transcript, and Edits.

If the --text-deferences option is selected, only the lines which have edits will be reported.


The CSV format only records the statistics and doesn't show the edits


The code can be used as a library for other tools or from the command line using the compare_transcripts tool:

Obligitory help:

usage: compare_transcripts [-h] [--debug] 
    [--html-template HTML_TEMPLATE] 
    [--html-insert-class HTML_INSERT_CLASS] 
    [--html-delete-class HTML_DELETE_CLASS] 
    [--text-width TEXT_WIDTH] 
    [--start-hallucination-length START_HALLUCINATION_LENGTH] 
    [--start-hallucination-ratio START_HALLUCINATION_RATIO] 
    [--mid-hallucination-length MID_HALLUCINATION_LENGTH]
    [--mid-hallucination-ratio MID_HALLUCINATION_RATIO] 
    [--end-hallucination-length END_HALLUCINATION_LENGTH] 
    [--end-hallucination-ratio END_HALLUCINATION_RATIO] 
    [--hallucination-length HALLUCINATION_LENGTH]
    [--hallucination-ratio HALLUCINATION_RATIO] 
    [--start-dropout-length START_DROPOUT_LENGTH] 
    [--start-dropout-ratio START_DROPOUT_RATIO] 
    [--mid-dropout-length MID_DROPOUT_LENGTH] 
    [--mid-dropout-ratio MID_DROPOUT_RATIO]
    [--end-dropout-length END_DROPOUT_LENGTH] 
    [--end-dropout-ratio END_DROPOUT_RATIO] 
    [--dropout-length DROPOUT_LENGTH] 
    [--dropout-ratio DROPOUT_RATIO] 
    --output OUTPUT [--output-format {html,txt,csv}]
    reference hypothesis [hypothesis ...]

positional arguments:
  reference             Reference transcript
  hypothesis            Hypothesis transcript(s)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debugging messages
  --html-template HTML_TEMPLATE
                        HTML template file
  --html-insert-class HTML_INSERT_CLASS
                        CSS class to use for insert text
  --html-delete-class HTML_DELETE_CLASS
                        CSS class to use for deleted text
  --html-one-edit       don't split the text for readability
  --text-width TEXT_WIDTH
                        Width for fixed width text output
  --text-differences    Only show the edit differences in text output
  --start-hallucination-length START_HALLUCINATION_LENGTH
                        Hallucination length at the start of the transcript
  --start-hallucination-ratio START_HALLUCINATION_RATIO
                        Ratio of inserts to total length of hallucination at the start of the transcript
  --mid-hallucination-length MID_HALLUCINATION_LENGTH
                        Hallucination length int he middle of the transcript
  --mid-hallucination-ratio MID_HALLUCINATION_RATIO
                        Ratio of inserts to total length of hallucination in the middle of the transcript
  --end-hallucination-length END_HALLUCINATION_LENGTH
                        Hallucination length at the end of the transcript
  --end-hallucination-ratio END_HALLUCINATION_RATIO
                        Ratio of inserts to total length of hallucination at the end of the transcript
  --hallucination-length HALLUCINATION_LENGTH
                        Set all of the hallucination lengths
  --hallucination-ratio HALLUCINATION_RATIO
                        Set all of the hallucination ratios
  --start-dropout-length START_DROPOUT_LENGTH
                        dropout length at the start of the transcript
  --start-dropout-ratio START_DROPOUT_RATIO
                        Ratio of inserts to total length of dropout at the start of the transcript
  --mid-dropout-length MID_DROPOUT_LENGTH
                        dropout length int he middle of the transcript
  --mid-dropout-ratio MID_DROPOUT_RATIO
                        Ratio of inserts to total length of dropout in the middle of the transcript
  --end-dropout-length END_DROPOUT_LENGTH
                        dropout length at the end of the transcript
  --end-dropout-ratio END_DROPOUT_RATIO
                        Ratio of inserts to total length of dropout at the end of the transcript
  --dropout-length DROPOUT_LENGTH
                        Set all of the dropout lengths
  --dropout-ratio DROPOUT_RATIO
                        Set all of the dropout ratios
  --output OUTPUT       Output file
  --output-format {html,txt,csv}
                        Output format (default guess from extension, html, txt, or csv)
  --comparison-words    Show comparison words instead of original words

Environment Setup

Linux (maybe Mac and WSL too)

Create the virtual environment and install the libraries:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: This was built on Fedora Linux 41 using Python 3.13.1. I don't think there is anything specific to 3.13, but I could be wrong.


Tools to compare ASR transcripts with metrics







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