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Crimes and the Criminals go hand in hand. Which means, there will always be a crime and hence rise in need for security to avoid the ever increasing crime rates. It may be true that the security measures have decreased the rate of crime over the years and yet there is a constant need for better security on top of the existing ones. This may also be viable that the crimes are not only prevailing by just the minds of the criminals, but also due to the corruption that has become the most deeply rooted cause for the rise in crime today. The most common crime whose rate of growth is going up by the minute is ‘Economic Frauds’. This crime is specifically nasty, as the criminals not only take down the firms associated to their fraud but also flee the country and go under the radar, vanishing off leaving a huge loss and hole in the economics and common lives of the people. This fleeing is possible due to either lack of quicker response action against the criminal attempting to run away or the corrupt authorities that let these notorious criminals flee away. Waging wars against these crimes may not be the most efficient way of curbing the rate of crime. Instead, making our crime detection and tracing algorithms more smarter and introducing newer methods of detection is our only chance to stop the criminals and thereby curbing the rate of crime. The proposed paper introduces a smart, automated and safe system based on Blockchain technology. The Blockchain in brief is a distributed ledger and the data is stored in form of a block which is distributed over the network and has the security features ten times stronger than the traditional databases. The changes to these blocks are almost next to impossible as every block that is changed alters all the previous blocks that have to be again altered to match the modified block. Hence, it is almost impossible for anyone to tamper with and/or alter any data that is stored. The proposed system is designed in a way that all the information of criminal(s) is stored directly on the Blockchain and is accessed by the authorities directly at anytime and anywhere. This reduces the risk of data tampering, like in the existing system, where in the data might be lost or altered by any corrupt authorities till it reaches the final higher level authorities. x The system uses facial recognition and Passports with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) cards built into them and the data of the criminal is stored in the Passport chip and on the Blockchain as well; personal details including Aadhar number of the individual for ease of tracking are used as additional details. The system has three lists: Blacklist (the top level criminals who are not allowed to leave the country), Greylist (these individuals are under questioning but are allowed to leave the country under certain legal conditions) and White list (individuals allowed to travel). The concerning authorities are given a software program to register complaint about any individual they think is suspicious and this data is stored on Blockchain and updated at the Immigration centre at the Airport. Whenever an individual scans the passport, the algorithm checks the Blockchain for the individual’s facial data and if it is under Greylist or the Blacklist it immediately halts the individual and the concerning authorities are alerted at once.


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