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Fast currency, number and string formatters for browsers.

Getting Started

npm install kitten-format


Two builds are available :

  • Default version: kittenFormat.client.js
  • Minified version: kittenFormat.client.min.js

Locales are not shipped with the builds. You must select the locales you want. Locales are defined in locales/.

Locale auto-register itself.

At runtime, kitten-format will try to set the default locale as the one defined by the browser.

Available locales

Lang Locales
Arabic (U.A.E.) ar-AE
Arabic (Egypt) ar-EG
Arabic (Morocco) ar-MA
Arabic (Saudi Arabia) ar-SA
German (Switzerland) de-CH
English (United Kingdom) en-GB
English (United States) en-US
Spanish (Spain) es-ES
Spanish (Chile) es-CL
French (Switzerland) fr-CH
French (France) fr-FR
French (French Polynesia) fr-PF
Italian (Switzerland) it-CH
Italian (Italia) it-IT

Default is fr-FR

Use cases


Set default locale options.

    locale       : 'fr-FR', // default locale
    currency     : 'EUR',   // default currency
    precision    : 2,       // default precision
    unitPrefixes : {        // default unit prefixes
      '15' : 'P',
      '12' : 'T',
      '9'  : 'G',
      '6'  : 'M',
      '3'  : 'k',
      '0'  : '',
      '-3' : 'm',
      '-6' : 'μ',
      '-9' : 'n'
    isCurrencyFirst   : true


Set a default locale option.

  kittenFormat.setOption('currency', 'GBP');


kittenFormat.averageN (kittenFormat.averageNumber)

Average a number to default or specified locale.

  kittenFormat.averageN(1234, {
    locale    : 'fr-FR',
    unit      : 'g',
    precision : 1

  // res: '1,2 kg'

  // options
    locale    : String,
    precision : Int, // number of decimal value
    unit      : String,
    power     : Int // current unit,
    maxPower  : Int

  kittenFormat.averageN(1234, {
    locale    : 'fr-FR',
    unit      : 'g',
    precision : 2,
    power     : -3

  // res: '1,23 g'

  kittenFormat.averageN(1234, {
    locale    : 'fr-FR',
    unit      : 'g',
    precision : 2,
    power     : 0,
    maxPower  : 0

  // res: '1 234 g'

kittenFormat.formatN (kittenFormat.formatNumber)

Format a number to default or specified locale.

  kittenFormat.formatN(1234, {
    locale : 'fr-FR'

  // res: '1 234'

  // options
    locale    : String,
    precision : Int, // number of decimal value
    minimumFractionDigits : Int,
    shouldNotRound : Boolean


Set percentage of a number

  kittenFormat.percent(0.193, {
    locale : 'fr-FR'

  // res: '19,3%'

  // options
    locale    : String,
    precision : Int, // number of decimal value

  kittenFormat.percent(18.45, { isAlreadyPercentageNumber : true });

  // res: '18,45%'




  // res: '$'

kittenFormat.formatC (kittenFormat.formatCurrency)

Format a currency to specified locale and/or currency. If convert options are specified, it makes the conversion.

  kittenFormat.formatC(1234, {
    locale : 'fr-FR'

  // res: '1 234€'

  // options
    locale    : String,
    precision : Int, // number of decimal value
    currency  : String, // currency defined by ISO 4217
    shouldNotRound : Boolean

  kittenFormat.formatC(1234.45, {
    locale    : 'en-GB',
    precision : 2,
    currency  : 'EUR'

  // res: '€1,234.45'

  kittenFormat.formatC(1234.45, {
    locale    : 'en-GB',
    precision : 2,
    target    : 'EUR'
    rates     : {
      EUR : 0.8,
      GBP : 1

  // res: '€987.56'

kittenFormat.convC (kittenFormat.convertCurrency)

Convert a currency to another one

  kittenFormat.convC(1234, {
    locale : 'fr-FR',
    source : 'EUR',
    target : 'USD',
    rates  : { EUR : 1, USD : 1.3 }

  // res: '1 604,2$'

  // options
    locale    : String,
    precision : Int, // number of decimal value
    source    : String, // currency defined by ISO 4217
    target    : String, // currency defined by ISO 4217
    rates     : {
      '<source>' : Int,
      '<target>' : Int

kittenFormat.averageC (kittenFormat.averageCurrency)

Average a currency to default or specified locale.

It can only average to € or k€.

  kittenFormat.averageC(1234, {
    locale    : 'fr-FR'

  // res: '1,2 k€'

  // options
    locale    : String,
    power     : Int // current unit



Convert a string to Lowercase.


  // res: 'abc'


Convert a string to uppercase.


  // res: 'ABC'


Convert the first char of a string to uppercase.


  // res: 'Abc'