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In Game and Daily in Discord Squad Stats

What it do?

  • Posts a Daily Top Player and Server Totals Stats Embed to your Discord at your Configured Time.
  • Allow Players to check Stats while in-game with a configurable Cooldown.
  • Allow Player to link their in-game and Discord Accounts so that they can:
    • Check Stats in Discord with a configuralbe Cooldown.

How do the Players use this?

  • In-game, players use !mystats to view Stats in Game. (or your configured command - don't put an ! in the config.json)
  • In Discord, players use !link to get a linking code that is used in game. (or your configured command - don't put an ! in the config.json).
    • In-game, players use !link [code] to link thier in-game to their Discord. (or your configured command - don't put an ! in the config.json).
  • In Discord, once linked, players can use !mystats to view thier stats in Discord. (or your configured command - don't put an ! in the config.json).


  • DBLog Plugin needs to be ENABLED
  • You need to have your Reserve List Configured in adminLists if you wish to require in game players to be a Reserve to use the in game Command.

Installation & Configuration

  • Add the bits to your SquadJS - See below for more instructions.
  • channelID sets the channel that the daily stats embed will be sent to.
  • daysBackToQuery sets how many days back the in game and in Discord queries check back for stats. Recommended Max is 30 Days
  • enableInGameStatsCommand enables or disables the in game stats command.
  • inGameStatsCommand sets the in game stats command. Must have a leading ! when used by the player in game. DO NOT Configure config.json with a leading !.
  • enableInDiscordStatsCommand enables or disables the in Discord stats command.
  • linkDiscordAccountCommand is the command to use in Discord to link to a Player Account. Must have a leading ! when used by the player in game. DO NOT Configure config.json with a leading !.
  • linkDiscordEmbedColor sets the linking Embed Color.
  • linkInGameAccountCommand set the in-game linking command. Must have a leading ! when used by the player in game. DO NOT Configure config.json with a leading !.
  • inDiscordStatsCommand sets the in Discord stats command. Must have a leading ! when used by the player in Discord. DO NOT Configure config.json with a leading !.
  • inDiscordStatsEmbedColor set the stats Embed Color.
  • statCooldown sets the in game & in Discord stats command cooldown in minutes. This prevents abuse of the command to confirm kills.
  • ingameRequireReserve sets whether the in game command requires the user to have a Reserve slot.
  • enableDailyStats turn on or off the daily top player post.
  • dailyStatsTime sets the time of day that the daily stats will be sent. Use 24 Hour time.
  • dailyStatsManualPostCmd sets the manual command to force the daily stats embed. Must have a leading ! when used by someone with the dailymanualCmdRole in Discord. DO NOT Configure config.json with a leading !.
  • dailymanualCmdRole sets the role required to force the daily stats embed.

Further Instructions/Notes for Installing

  • You are welcome to use the provided a-complete-db-log.js file contents for your db-log.js plugin. Just note, that I may not have this file updated as fast if the Main SquadJS updates their version of db-log.js.
  • Therefore, I have provided the individual bits you need to paste in the add-to-db-log.js file.
  • You may need to manually update the Database Tables to make sure they get the new Table and Columns:
    • Your Database may/may not be CaSe Sensitive about Table/Columm names.
ALTER TABLE dblog_players
CREATE TABLE <database name here>.dblog_linkcodes (
    linkCode VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    discordID VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
  • Please contact me if there is any confusion.

Example Player Discord Posting


Example Daily Discord Posting


Example In Game Stats
