The "Multilayer Perceptron" is a modern app written in C++. The application represents a simple artificial neural network in the form of a perceptron, which can be trained on an open dataset and perform recognition of 26 handwritten letters of the Latin alphabet.
make run
GUI implementation, based on QT6
Load train and test datasets from a csv file.
Choose the network topology with 2-5 hidden layers.
Training with using the backpropagation method and sigmoid activation.
Matrix form: all layers are represented as weight matrices.
Graph form: each neuron is represented as some node object connected to other nodes by refs.
Perform experiments on a selected portion of the test sample, defined by a floating-point number ranging from 0 to 1.
Load BMP images (image size can be up to 512x512) with Latin letters and classify them.
Draw two-color square images by hand and classify them.
Real-time training process for a user-defined number of epochs with displaying the error values for each training epoch.
Run the training process using cross-validation for a given number of groups k.
Save to a file and load weights of perceptron from a file.
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