ibt_ros2_driver is an open source package consisting of the ros-drivers for the arms manufactured by Innobotics IBT. The package uses gbp Python API developed by Glowbuzzer for interacting with the Glowbuzzer Control (GBC) that actuates IBT arms.
This package was developed by Innobotics and is currently maintained by the same. The package is currently under development and is being tested on ROS 2 Humble (Ubuntu 22.04).
Please feel free to use the issue tracker for requesting any feature requests or bug clearance.
- Clone IBT descriptions
git clone -b humble-DH https://github.com/InnoboticsSRL/ibt_ros2_description.git
- Install dependencies
pip install glowbuzzer-gbp
- Compile the entire workspace
colcon build --symlink-install
- Launch the driver with
ros2 launch ibt_robot_driver ibt_robot_driver.launch.py
- Clone PyMoveit2
git clone https://github.com/InnoboticsSRL/pymoveit2.git
- Compile the entire workspace
colcon build --symlink-install
- Launch the driver with moveit configuration
ros2 launch ibt_moveit_config moveit.launch.py
- Run a simple script
. install/setup.bash
python3 pymoveit_move_arm.py
ros2 launch ibt_robot_driver ibt_robot_driver.launch.py
cd ibt_robot_driver/