aye matey, a rusty gaddag https://ericsink.com/downloads/faster-scrabble-gordon.pdf
$ cargo run --release (text|viz)
Default argument is viz. Both will run a single AI game.
sum(map(int, [i.split()[-1] for i in s.split("\n") if 'Time' in i]))
Initial UI
Scores, Clickable moves
Boxed Blanks, shrunk moves
Rack, graph
UI Roadmap
- clickable moves ✅
- make look like labels/less big
- only highlight newly placed tiles
- customizable blanks, colors, everything
- shows considered moves
- placable moves
- more features
- box moves
- number moves
- softcode 27
- box bag
- box rack
- set tiles from rack
- game
- valid move: connected checker
- when typing: skip placed tiles
- score tracker
- blinking move hypothetical: red invalid, green valid
- add scores
- backspace
- enforce rack
- Pre-word
- single letter move
- fix bag
- player-based: can't tell what opponents rack is
- can't click outside board
- handle blanks: shift type
- press enter before clicking: glitch
- can't click on tile on board
- Click first row/column bugs
- get rid of mouse_position
- change dir after preword
- game doesn't do anything if AI is first
- can't type off board
- can delete tiles on board
- if a word has a blank, pre/postwording it removes the blank visually
- blinking cursor
- todo: z score is 10
- player choices
- Add AI
- modular ai
- exchange
- boxed blanks
- finish game
- other player can't see other player's exchanges
- highlight recently played move
- timer
- Passing
- arrow keys
- highlight used tiles?
- skill level
- show best move (teacher, maybe choices? idk)
- skills summary
- save gcg