This is the code for paper "From Hardware Fingerprint to Access Token: Enhancing the Authentication on IoT Devices".
author = {Yue Xiao and Yi He and Xiaoli Zhang and Qian Wang and Renjie Xie and Kun Sun and Ke Xu and Qi Li},
title = {From Hardware Fingerprint to Access Token: Enhancing the Authentication on IoT Devices},
booktitle = {Network and Distributed Security Symposium (NDSS 2024)},
year = 2024
The code is organized as follows:
├── Device-porting # code for porting MCU-Token SDK to various IoT devices
└── MCUToken
├── iot_client # code for MCU-Token's client SDK which runs on IoT devices to collect hardware fingerprints
└── server # code for MCU-Token' backend authenticate service
"MCUToken/iot_client/" is a code document that describes some important code fragments.
The authors' contacts are:
- Run MCU-Token
Please refer to "Device-porting/" to see how to run MCU-Token.
This step may require 30min.
- Reproduce the results in the paper
Please refer to "MCUToken/server/evaluation/" to reproduce the results in the paper using the logs (training results) we provide.
Please refer to "MCUToken/server/" to learn more about how to collect data from devices and generate training results by yourself.