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How to run "local"

Don Richards edited this page May 16, 2022 · 1 revision


Copy the sample.env to .env and change "ENVIRONMENT" to equal "local"

If you're bringing in files from an existing non-isle these steps will differ some.

make config-export
# non-isle export: run drush config:export to export to the config/sync directory

make fcrepo-export
# non-isle export: Run this on an isle-dc instance and review the file structure for zipping up your object's files. Excludes the "public" files.

make drupal-public-files-dump
# non-isle export: 'tar zcvf /tmp/public-files.tgz /var/www/drupal/web/sites/default/files' and copy to the repo's demo-data/public-files.tgz

make drupal-database-dump
# non-isle export: mysqldump -u USER -pPASSWORD DRUPAL_DEFAULT_DB_NAME > /tmp/dump.sql  and copy to the repo's demo-data/