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alxl's Darktide Mods

I generally make mods based on requests in the Darktide Modding Discord that seem small and nice for people who just want more options.

All code is dual-licensed under the Unlicense (public domain) and the MIT License (permissive); see LICENSE


AfterGrenade aka AfterBlitz

Choose what your character equips after throwing a grenade.

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Set a sensitivity multiplier for aiming down sights.

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Anonymize player names.

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BetterMelk aka Character Screen Contracts

Display contract progress on the character select screen.

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Adds a bio page that lists out the choices you made during character creation. Also works when inspecting other players.

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Automatically readies up when joining a lobby.

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CharWallets aka Character Screen Wallets

Adds your characters' currencies to the character select screen.

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In the character select screen, simply re-select your currently-selected character to start playing as them.

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Tweak or disable FOV-changing effects.

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Changes your crosshair's color when aiming over an enemy, ally, or barrel.

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Prevents matchmaking with undesirable players by preventing matchmaking entirely.

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FriendlyNPCs aka Friendly Vendors

Force all vendors to like you. Or to dislike you, if you're into that.

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Make all possible ranged weapons fully automatic.

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Adds a "Mastery" button to the inventory screen when selecting a weapon.

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Prevent Psyker blitzes from changing their grenade color in your HUD.

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Displays some stats in the inventory screen.

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Adds keybinds to spam light melee attacks for you.

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Adds the ability to name your loadouts.

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Provides the ability to freelook.

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See the difference between weapon marks in the mark menu.

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Switch to your Stimm and inject with one button press. Also dictate what you equip after injection.

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Penances provide more details about your current progress.

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Adds a configurable bar to display your current peril/heat.

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Perspectives aka Perspectives Mod

Switch between first and third person perspectives.

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PickForMe aka Loadout Randomizer

Easily randomize your current loadout.

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Replaces X-Box BYXA button prompts with Playstation O▲■X button prompts.

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Recolor stimms and their cases, and swap the syringe stickers.

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ReorderChars aka Reorder Characters

Allows you to reorder your characters on the character select screen.

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Takes your shirt off.

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SortBrunt aka Sort Mastery

Sorts Brunt's Armory and Mastery lists to keep similar items together.

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StaminaVis aka Stamina Visibility

Allows you to tweak the stamina bar's visibility behavior.

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Changes 'Toggle Sprint' to only toggle on, i.e. pressing the sprint key while sprinting doesn't stop sprinting.

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Bind the tagging wheel options to individual keys.

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TalentRefundBelow aka Talent Tree UX Improvements

Allows you to remove a talent and all subsequent talents in one click.

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Double-tap movement keys to dodge.

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ToggleAltFire aka Toggle Alt Fire

Toggle aim-down-sights (and other ranged weapon alt-fires). Perhaps more configurable than it ought to be.

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Held interactions become toggled interactions.

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Makes quelling peril a toggled action.

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Allows you to remove the interpolation/decay of the value on the Psyker's peril gauge and to show up to 2 decimal places of the peril value.

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Walk slowly at the push of a button.

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Note: This mod is deprecated. Use PenanceDetails instead. Adds chat commands to list which mission types you need for the "complete one of each mission type..." penances.

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