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Server Endpoints

Joshua Peisach edited this page Oct 5, 2024 · 8 revisions

Server endpoints are categorized and named by their action. For example, /device/serial_id gets the serial ID, and since the field internally is called serial_id, the endpoint is named so respectively.


  • GET /: a basic endpoint for device discovery purposes. It returns in text "Ristretto".

Device Information

  • GET /device/hardware_version: Returns the hardware version from the BSP. See corresponding values in the bsp.h header file in WUT.
  • GET /device/model_number: Returns the Wii U model number. This is WUP-XXX.
  • GET /device/serial_id: Returns the serial id.
  • GET /device/version: Returns the current Wii U system version.


  • GET /gamepad/battery: Returns the GamePad's battery level. It returns 0 if charging: otherwise, returns an integer value from 1 to 6.


  • POST /launch/menu: Launches the Wii U Menu (Wara Wara Plaza).
  • POST /launch/miistudio: Launches Mii Maker
  • POST /launch/notifications: Launches Notifications applet
  • POST /launch/parental: Launches Parental Controls
  • POST /launch/settings: Launches System Settings
  • POST /launch/title: Launches a title given the parameter in JSON format as follows: {"title": "(The title ID in base 10)"}

System Settings Targets

  • POST /launch/settings/internet: Launches Internet Settings
  • POST /launch/settings/data_management: Launches Data Management Settings
  • POST /launch/settings/tv_remote: Launches GamePad TV Remote Functionality Settings
  • POST /launch/settings/date_time: Launches Date & Time Settings
  • POST /launch/settings/country: Launches Country Settings
  • POST /launch/settings/quick_start: Launches Quick Start Settings
  • POST /launch/settings/tv_connection: Launches TV Connection Settings

ODD (Optical Disc Drive)

  • GET /odd/titleid: Returns the title ID of the game in the ODD. This only works for Wii U games - a Wii game will show as title ID "0", just like if the drive is empty.


  • POST /power/shutdown: Shutdown the Wii U.
  • POST /power/reboot: Reboot the Wii U.


  • POST /switch/emanual: Switches to the current game or application's electronic manual, if it has one.
  • POST /switch/hbm: Switches to the Home Button Menu (WARNING: It does not switch out. Calling this while the Home Button Menu is active will crash or soft lock the console)


  • GET /title/current: Returns the name of the current title active and running.
  • GET /title/list: Returns a list of all titles on the system that are Wii/Wii U games or system/account applications in JSON format. It will return the languages in their specified translation as configured in the plugin config settings. If there is no translation, it falls back to the English translated title long name. The returned output is given as {"(The title ID in base 10)": "(The title's long display name field)"}

Virtual Wii (vWii)

  • POST /vwii/launch/menu: Launches the vWii System Menu
  • POST /vwii/launch/data_manager: Launches the vWii Data Manager.