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reachduck 🦆

Front-end helper functions for your DApp. Currently supports Ethereum (limited) and Algorand.
Can optionally be paired with (unaffiliated) reach stdlib for more functionality.

A changelog was introduced in 0.4.3, and should better cover any interesting or disruptive changes made to the library.

You may need @reach-sh/stdlib for some things

If you want to use features like user session management (connecting a wallet), you will need to separately install @reach-sh/stdlib in your project, and provide it to this package when necessary. @jackcom/reachduck@^0.4.5 allows you to instantiate and use multiple stdlib instances.

Breaking Change Notes

Version 0.2.0 drops support for WalletConnect and MyAlgo wrappers.
This removes both useWebWallet() and useWalletConnect() exports from the reachduck library. Please continue to rely on stdlib as shown in their documentation.


Documentation has moved to a dedicated Github pages site. Please report any issues or missing documentation by creating a github issue in the repo.


All methods below are available as individual imports.

1. Working with Blockchain networks

You can use a predictable API for doing some common things with the underlying chain (except signing transactions). The NetworkInterface (shown below) doesn't depend on an stdlib instance, and looks the same regardless of what network you're working with.

Blockchain Functions

Use createConnectorAPI to access an object with the following helper methods.

 * Returns a `NetworkInterface` w/ additional chain-specific helpers. 
 * Note: not all `network` options are accepted by all chains. Defaults
 * to "ALGO" + "TestNet" if no values are provided.
function createConnectorAPI(
    chain?: "ALGO" | "ETH",
    network?: "TestNet" | "BetaNet" | "MainNet"
): NetworkInterface;


Returned from createConnectorAPI()

type NetworkInterface {
    /** Fetch account details from network */
    fetchAccount(acc: string | any): any | Promise<any>;
    /** Fetch an asset/token by its ID from the chain's block explorer */
    fetchAssetById(assetId: number): any;
    /** Returns a blockchain-specific configuration for `stdlib` */
    getProviderEnv(network?: string): void;
    /** Fetch account assets from network */
    loadAssets(acc: string | any): any | Promise<ReachToken[]>;
    /** Get a `WalletConnect` client instance */
    getWalletConnectClientOpts(): any;
     * Get an object with a key containing a wallet fallback for `stdlib`.
     * Defaults to `MyAlgoConnect` on Algorand.
    getWebWalletClientOpts(): any;
    /** Search for an asset/token by its name. Returns a list */
    searchAssetsByName(assetName: string): any;
    /** Search for transactions for this `addr` */
    searchForTransactions(addr: string, opts?: any): any;

2. Working with Stdlib

Stdlib API Functions

 * Initialize your `stdlib` instance. Call this EARLY before your code needs 
 * the `stdlib` instance. You only need to use this once. 
function loadReach(
    loadStdlibFn: ((args: any) => ReachStdLib),
    chain?: string,
    network?: "TestNet" | "MainNet"
): ReachStdLib;

 * Initialize your `stdlib` instance with additional options 
 * like a wallet fallback. Can use in place of `loadReach`
function loadReachWithOpts(
  loadStdlibFn: LoadStdlibFn,
  opts: {
    chain?: ChainSymbol & string; 
    network?: "TestNet" | "MainNet";
    providerEnv?: any;
    showReachContractWarnings?: boolean;
    uniqueInstance?: boolean;
    instanceKey?: string;
    walletFallback?: {
        MyAlgoConnect?: any;
        WalletConnect?: any;
        PeraConnect?: any;
): ReachStdLib;

 * Attach an existing `stdlib` instance to `reachduck`. Use when you have 
 * already called `loadStdlib` but want reachduck helper functions. 
 * Add a `key` to attach and re-use multiple `stdlib` instances */
function attachReach(instance: ReachStdLib, key?: string): ReachStdLib;

 * Returns your configured `stdlib` instance. Supply a `key` if you are 
 * using multiple instances. Throws an error if no instance is found.
function createReachAPI(key?: string): ReachStdLib;

* Convert a string into a chain-specific contract representation. Will attempt 
* to format for the currently-configured `stdlib` instance.
function parseAddress(ctc: any): any;
/* Convenience: convert `val` into atomic units */
function parseCurrency(val: any, dec?: number | undefined): any;
/* Set current consensus network. Will trigger window reload */
function setCurrentNetwork(network: string): string;
/* Fetch token metadata and balance for `acc` (if available) */
function tokenMetadata(token: any, acc: ReachAccount): Promise<ReachToken>;

/** Opt-in in to assets */
function optInToAsset(acc: T.ReachAccount, tokenId: any): Promise<boolean>;

Session Management

Note: Session management depends on an stdlib instance. Make sure your standard library is at least 0.1.8-rc.3 or newer.

 * Check if a previous user session (address or WalletConnect) exists.
 * When `exists` is true, you can call `reconnectUser( addr )` using the
 * `addr` value returned from this function. */
function checkSessionExists(): { exists: boolean; isWCSession: boolean; addr: string | null;};

 * Begin a session with a user's wallet of choice. Make sure to configure 
 * stdlib to use either MyAlgo or WalletConnect before calling this function, 
 * as it will get the user to authenticate using a wallet (and will
 * error if a fallback isn't found.) */
function connectUser(): Promise<ConnectedUserData>;

/* Clean up current user session and reload window. Call LAST in your app */
function disconnectUser(): void;

/* Restart last user session. */
function reconnectUser(addr?: string |  undefined): Promise<ConnectedUserData>;

General Utilities/Helpers

/** App Migration helper: check if your app version has changed */
function checkVersionChanged(currentVersion: string | number, APP_VERSION_KEY?: string): string;

/** App Migration helper: set your current app version */
function setAppVersion(version: string | number, APP_VERSION_KEY?: string): string;

/* Copy text to clipboard */
function copyToClipboard(val: string): Promise<void>;

/* Convenience over `stdlib.formatAddress` */
function formatAddress(acc: ReachAccount): string;

 * UI-friendly currency formatting. Takes the `decimal` places of the currency, and
 * an `abbr` boolean which, when true, will abbreviate the formatted value
function formatCurrency(amount: any, decimals?: number | undefined, abbr?: boolean): string;

/* Builtin JS locale currency formatter (returns comma-delineated string) */
function formatCurrencyLocale(val: number): string;

/* Abbreviated number formatting (e.g. `1000` -> `1K`) */
function formatNumberShort(val: number, decimalPlaces?: number): string;

/* Extract a value from a `Maybe` value, or provide a fallback */
function fromMaybe(mVal: [val: "Some" | "None", v: any], format?: (v: any) => any, fallback?: any): any;

/* Get the current stdlib instance's `connector` (blockchain) */
function getBlockchain(): string;

/* Get current chain network. (e.g `"TestNet" | "MainNet"` on Algorand) */
function getBlockchainNetwork(): string;

/* Assert `path` represents an image file */
function isImageFile(path: string): boolean;

/* Assert `path` represents a video file */
function isVideoFile(path: string): boolean;

/* List all networks currently supported by this library */
function listSupportedNetworks(): NetworkData[];

 * Create a "dummy" Token object for the specified network. If `chain` is not
 * specified, it will fallback to the current `reachduck` global configuration.
function makeNetworkToken(chain?: ChainSymbol): ReachToken;

/* Doesn't do anything */
function noOp(): null;

 * Store user current network selection for App in `localStorage`.
 * ⚠️ WARNING: May trigger window reload if library is in a browser context */
function selectBlockchain(network: string): string;
 * Set network provider preference `MainNet` or `TestNet`.
 * ⚠️ WARNING: Optionally triggers window reload */
function selectBlockchainNetwork(prov: NetworkProvider, reload = false): string;

/* Trims empty bytes from a decoded Byte string */
function trimByteString(str: string): string;

 * Shrink an address to `radius`...`radius`-length string. Default would be
function truncateString(acct: string, radius = 6): string;


This is a typescript project. It depends on a subset of Algosdk and WalletConnect.

To create a production build:

npm run build


To run unit tests:

npm test

There are limited tests, and most are currently centered on the utility helpers.


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