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@lift-html/solid (includes solid-js)
@lift-html/alien (includes alien-signals)
@lift-html/solid (includes solid-js and useAttributes)

Welcome to the non-isomorphic web

Lift HTML is a new way to build your JavaScript applications, especially if all that you know is isomorphic libraries like React, Vue, Preact, Angular, Lit, Svelte, SolidJS, Ember and Qwik. It's going to be less new if you have experience with primerally server-side frameworks like Rails, Django, Laravel. Those are built with expectation that you are going to write a lot of HTML+CSS and plop a couple of script tags here are there.

With lift-html you can start with as low overhead as 150 bytes (@lift-html/tiny) to get type safety when declaring your custom elements and simplified API (I tested that every web component used in Astro website could be built with @lift-html/tiny).

If you jump up to @lift-html/core, in the less than 600 bytes you get HMR (Hot Module Replacement) support, full support of web components features like formAssociated and observedAttributes with type safety and nice API: init and deinit callbacks instead of constructor, connectedCallback, adoptedCallback, disconnectedCallback (I yet to find an example of a web component that can't be written with @lift-html/core).

After this you may enjoy a buffet of opt-in (and tree-shakeable) features like @lift-html/incentive that gives you Hotwire Stimulus or GitHub Catalyst-like API to work with targets inside of your components. Or various integrations to make your attributes reactive like @lift-html/solid that also gives you ability to use APIs like createSignal and createEffect inside of your components.

What is lift-html

lift-html is a tiny library for building HTML Web Components (and CSS Web Components), components that are meant to enhance existing HTML on the page instead of rendering it on the client or hydrating it.

Code for liftHtml is public domain see more in the Vendoring section.

Show me the code

<!-- @lift-html/solid -->
  <button disabled>
<script type="module">
  import { liftSolid } from "";
  import { createEffect, createSignal } from "";
  // define a custom element
  const MyButton = liftSolid("my-button", {
    init() {
      const button = this.querySelector("button");
      if (!button) throw new Error("<my-button> must contain a <button>");
      button.disabled = false;
      const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
      button.onclick = () => setCount(count() + 1);
      createEffect(() => {
        button.textContent = `Clicks: ${count()}`;

via codepen, total code size 3.41kb gzip and with no-build 8.94kb

<!-- @lift-html/core -->
  <button disabled>
<script type="module">
  import { liftHtml } from "";
  // define a custom element
  const MyButton = liftHtml("my-button", {
    init() {
      const button = this.querySelector("button");
      if (!button) throw new Error("<my-button> must contain a <button>");
      button.disabled = false;
      let count = 0;
      button.onclick = () => {

      function updateCount() {
        button.textContent = `Clicks: ${count}`;

via codepen, total code size 563 bytes gzip and with no-build 574 bytes gzip

Why you need web components framework

Web Components are a browser primitive, kind of like document.createElement. You are not expected to use them directly because of the amount of boilerplate and DX issues. But similarly to document.createElement, there are plently of usecases that require you to get your hands dirty with the native API.

lift-html is an attempt to create tiny wrapper around web components that solves enough of DX issues without introducing a completely new paradigm. If I would put it in a single sentence, it would be: "When using lift-html I don't want to feel like I'm writing a component (web or otherwise), I just want to write HTML, CSS and JS/TS".

To achieve that we had to depart a bit from the web components vibe. Namely:

  • we don't use class syntax Classes make your code overly concerned with lifecycles. Imagine a scenario of adding some sort of computed property, now with classes you start by adding a property on the class to store a value, adding a getter on the class to access it, adding a callback method to react and update that value and a call in constructor to hook that callback to the lifecycle. All of those are going to be spread over your whole class, mixing with other features together in buckets (class properties, class methods, getters, setters, public APIs, callbacks, constructor initializers, connectedCallback initializers, destructors) and your only option to share the logic is to use Mixins, which have their issues with performance and type safety. With function syntax I can have const thing = myThing(this) and for the most part not worry about how myThing is implemented. This is pretty much the same argument as was used to introduce hooks in React. This does come with a bit of theoretical loss of performance and flexibility compared to writing everything by hand, but that option is always there if you need it. On a side node, if you like classes and typescript be sure to check out this approach by Joe Pea (author of @lume/element)
  • we allow you to re-define component implementation at runtime One thing that we are changing around web components is that we allow you to register your components multiple times. The main use case for that is HMR, since it will allow you to re-run your `init` function for a component that is already on the page. One obvious limitation that still stands is that you can't change observed attributes or formAssociated values. The details will depend on what sort of dev server you are using, for more information read HMR section of the docs.

But otherwise if you are looking at vanilla HTML Web Component and lift-html one you might notice that they are 100% the same.

ThemeToggle Example: vanilla vs lift-html (click to expand)

Here's vanilla HTML Web Component from Astro source code:

  class ThemeToggle extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
      const button = this.querySelector('button')!;
      /** Set the theme to dark/light mode. */
      const setTheme = (dark: boolean) => {
        document.documentElement.classList[dark ? 'add' : 'remove']('theme-dark');
        button.setAttribute('aria-pressed', String(dark));
      // Toggle the theme when a user clicks the button.
      button.addEventListener('click', () => setTheme(!this.isDark()));
      // Initialize button state to reflect current theme.
    isDark() {
      return document.documentElement.classList.contains('theme-dark');
  customElements.define('theme-toggle', ThemeToggle);

Now compare that to one using lift-html:

  import { liftHtml } from "@lift-html/core";

  liftHtml("theme-toggle", {
    init() {
      const button = this.querySelector('button')!;
      /** Set the theme to dark/light mode. */
      const setTheme = (dark: boolean) => {
        document.documentElement.classList[dark ? 'add' : 'remove']('theme-dark');
        button.setAttribute('aria-pressed', String(dark));
      // Toggle the theme when a user clicks the button.
      button.addEventListener('click', () => setTheme(!isDark()));
      // Initialize button state to reflect current theme.
      function isDark() {
        return document.documentElement.classList.contains('theme-dark');

If you can hardly notice the difference, that's the point. Apart from a couple super and this missing, the code is the same. The biggest difference is that we are using init instead of constructor because it's actually considered wrong to access DOM from the constructor. And if you are a pedant you also noticed that isDark is now just a function instead of a method.

Another note on implementation, this code is technically safe to run on the server because it doesn't reference global HTMLElement class and customElements.define method. It's also safe to run liftHtml multiple times, the last implementation will win.

But the same can't be said about components using traditional web components frameworks. Your lift-html will likely look differently compared to web component authored in another web component framework. This is intentional, if you want to use framework components, just use framework components. For example a lot of code in other web components frameworks will have parts that look like this:

  • class X extends MyFramework {} and @element or define() - all that is done inside liftHtml
  • @attribute - you can pass observedAttributes to liftHtml and use helpers like useAttributes with your favorite flavor of reactivity
  • shadow: true - you can just directly call this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}) in init if you need it
  • @state - that part is outside of the scope of @lift-html/core, you are free to build something of your own or use @lift-html/solid or @lift-html/signal for that
  • static styles = ... just use <style> tag
  • render() { ... } render where? in HTML Web Components you get your markup generated on the server, so it's already rendered and you can just work with it with this.querySelector

So as you can see we are not taking over any of the concerns of frameworks like asset management, templating or state management. The assumption here is that you are already using some sort of backend service that generated your markup and lift-html is your solution to add interactivity to it, and you are free to choose what flavor of reactivity (if any) you need for that. This does mean that if the types of interactivity you are building requires a framework you are probably going to use lift-html just as a loader for those framework components, see more in Interoperability section.



You can render lift-html components using your favorite framework with type-safety. We recommend creating framework specific wrapper for your components to generate light dom markup.

Packages to better integrate with other frameworks are planned, goal here is for you to be able to make lift-html component wrappers out of existing React and Solid components. The use cases:

  • lazy load React component once some condition is met (like user scrolls to it)
  • render Solid component (with SSR) as lift-html component so that you can share it on npm and are able to render it from any (js based) server like Astro or React.

Shadow DOM


While lift-html doesn't help you use shadow dom, it's very easy to add it.

liftHtml("hello-world", {
  init() {
    // in case of HMR shadowRoot might already be attached
    const root = this.shadowRoot || this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
    root.innerHTML = `<h1>Hello, World!</h1>`;

See demo



HMR in lift-html is very simple. Every time you register a component with liftHtml it will overwrite the previous implementation. So use whatever live reloading tool you like, copy component into the dev tools, whatever it should all work. In the example repo see Vite and Astro examples using;.

HTML Web Components vs CSS Web Components vs Web Components

Web Components were originally created to compete with jQuery widgets. That means extending existing HTML on the page generated by the server in some sort of Progressive Enhancement way, but some UI flickering/shifting might be acceptable while your existing <button> tag is turned into "widget" button (try disabling JS on this page). But pretty quickly that goal was shifted to compete with SPA frameworks like Angular and React. And with that a lot of Web Components turned from <my-button><button>Click me</button></my-button> to <my-button></my-button>, and in some extreme cases the whole page was just:

    <script src="framework.js"></script>
    <link rel="import" href="my-app.html">

At some point people started to reclaim the original goal of Web Components but because "Web Components" was already associated with SPAs, they had to invent a new name and HTML Web Components better represented the idea of producing HTML on the server and using web components to enhance it. That would also mean not relying as much on features like shadow dom, html modules, shadow dom based css scoping, but still using custom elements (and sometimes html templates). This means that HTML Web Components will often rely on global CSS to style them, like my-button { color: red } (notice tag selector instead of CSS class selector) or even tailwind <my-button class="text-red-500">.

There comes a point when you are working on your HTML Web Components and you realize that what originally started as <my-card> ended up being just a collection of existing HTML features and global styles with maybe just a couple of different variants like <my-card variant="primary"> and <my-card variant="secondary"> that can be expressed with CSS selectors my-card[variant="primary"] and my-card[variant="secondary"]. And to differentiate those components from JS Web Components (that rely on JS) or HTML Web Components (that still rely on custom elements) the new term CSS Web Components was coined.

Lift-html can be used for CSS Web Components if you want to define what kind of attributes your component takes with typescript like this:

declare module "@lift-html/core" {
  interface KnownElements {
    "my-card": HTMLElement & { props: { variant: "primary" | "secondary" } };

As you can imagine this will add exactly 0 bytes of JS to your bundle, but will add type checking to your templating (given that you are using typescript for that part obviously).


This section was reviewed by two Google engineers and they both didn't like it.



We are planning to have a command like npx @lift-html/cli that will save lift-html code as a single file in your project, which is perfect for a zero-dependency or no-build projects. Code for liftHtml is public domain, so once you have it in your project you can do whatever you want with it. Which could give you an opportunity to remove features you don't use (like HMR) or add something that is missing.

Tier list of web components frameworks

Tier Frameworks
S tier vanilla HTML Web Components
A tier (enhance function inspired the shape of liftHtml), 11ty+WebC, Brisa
B tier Atomico (great API, SSR support, JSX, no shadow dom by default, great integration with framework components), @lume/element (biggest WC framework based on solid ecosystem), @microsoft/fast-element (API makes sense, typescript support, SSR support planned, but shadow dom based 😬)
C tier Lit, solid-element (has no docs), Svelte and basically all other frameworks that have web components support and can produce web components as an output sorted by bundle size, that includes Angular, Vue, React, etc.
F tier Lightning Web Components (I refuse to believe that this is a real thing)
Honorable mentions Stencil (very popular, only under React, Vue, Preact, Angular, Lit and Svelte, above Solid and Ember), Haunted (hooks based but uses lit-html, from matthewp, co-creator of Astro), CanJS (from author of @r2wc/react-to-web-component), hyperhtml+heresy+µhtml (from WebReflection), Hybrids (never heard of it), Minze (never heard of it)
Fallen warriors Web Components v0, Polymer (the OG, that's how I remember web components introduced, felt like a good idea at the time), Slim.js (last update 3 years ago), SkateJS (last update 6 years ago),
