A very simple backend application to turn Google Form spreadsheet fields
into docx files and email them.
Project originally written for a former client
- Watches a Google Spreadsheet for changes
- Takes user input of application form received from Google Form and Google Sheet and creates a mailmerge docx based on an existing template (pupculture registration form).
- Emails said document(s) to company site
- (Coming soon!!) Stores documents in Dropbox and/ or system folder
- Emails customer based on conditional response (if they would like to receive more information about a topic)
Make sure you have all the required packages installed by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Change directory to the project:
```cd /path/to/directory```
Then start the program with the following command:
python main_loop.py
WARNING: DO NOT store the variables in this file publicly!!
- Rename private_config_example.py to private_config.py
- Get LEGACY TOKEN from Slack to post status messages to a slack channel. Store your Slack token in your private_config.py file as private_slack_token.
- Store your Slack Channel name in your private_config.py in slack_channel.
- (DROPBOX non-functional as of this writing!) Set up an app at Dropbox and store the app token, app key, and secret key in your private_config.py file.
- Add the sender email address under serv_email_address in private_config.py. Store the email password in serv_email password. (admin_email not currently used.)
Simply type ctrl-c
to quit the program.