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Releases: JQFonseca/hrdic_az31

AZ31 HRDIC data visualization notebook

01 Jun 14:28
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Latest version, updating the reference to the published article.

AZ31 HRDIC visualisation notebook

10 Mar 12:22
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Visualisation notebook for HR-DIC data for an experiment on AZ31 magnesium alloy. Companion to manuscript submitted to Acta Materialia in March 2017.

v0.1.1 - added links to data on Zenodo

Pre-publication release (working version)

10 Mar 10:46
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Visualisation notebook for HR-DIC data for an experiment on AZ31 magnesium alloy. Companion to manuscript submitted to Acta Materialia in March 2017.

Pre-publication release

10 Mar 10:24
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Visualization code for article submitted to Acta Materialia