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3. My first CO2MPAS run.

Víctor Valverde edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 2 revisions

The CO2MPAS tool can be used either through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) or trough a console.
The GUI is designed to help users to easily run CO2MPAS with a few clicks. This section explains the steps needed to make a simple CO2MPAS run using the GUI. In order to launch the GUI simply click on the Windows Start-Menu --> All Programs --> CO2MPAS --> CO2MPAS.

Advanced users may refer to the CO2MPAS site for a comprehensive description of the console usage. If you wish To launch the console, simply click on the Windows Start-Menu --> All Programs --> CO2MPAS --> CO2MPAS CONSOLE. This will open a cmd.exe console. From the cmd.exe console press Control+F2 to open a bash console if you feel more confortable with it.
Note that the console can also be launched from the CO2MPAS GUI Menu bar by clicking the launch console button.

3.1 Getting the demo files.

The input to CO2MPAS is provided my means of a Microsoft Excel file. The CO2MPAS tool is accompanied by a set of demo files which are pre-populated Excel files containing realistic but fictitious data of vehicles.

In order to get the demo files click on the "Templates & Samples" tab of the CO2MPAS GUI and select the folder that will contain the demo files. --> The demo files (.xlsx) have been created in the designated folder.

3.2 CO2MPAS running modes: type approval and engineering.

From Rally release (CO2MPAS v1.4.1), the model has two main modes of operation. Each mode is accompanied by an ad-hoc Run button and a launching console command.
For type approval use RUN TA button (co2mpas ta in the console); for engineering purposes, use the RUN button (co2mpas batch in the console).

type approval: ta

=== CO2MPAS simulates the NEDC fuel consumption and CO2 emission of the given vehicle in type approval mode which means that the program reads just the required declaration inputs (marked as compulsory inputs in input file version >= 2.2.5) and produces an NEDC prediction. If CO2MPAS finds some extra input it will raise a warning and it will not produce any result. The type approval command is the CO2MPAS running mode that is fully aligned to the WLTP-NEDC correlation Regulation

engineering: batch

==== The CO2MPAS engineering mode provides the user full control of the tool. By using the engineering mode, all the running flags become available for the user. Also, the user can provide additional inputs beyond the declaration ones and check their effect on the NEDC CO2 prediction. The CO2MPAS model run in engineering mode, is less strict than the type approval mode and therefore it will more likely produce a result/produce error logs that can help understanding why the program is not predicting the NEDC CO2 emission.
To launch a simulation from the GUI on engineering mode, once the input file/folder and the output folder have been indicated, click on the Advanced button and a new menu will appear. Make sure to click on the Engineering Mode button until it gets colored in green (Green sets the flag to True, Red color sets the flag to False, default color does not set any flag).

In order to use the engineering mode from the command line, the flag engineering_mode has to be set to True either in the Excel input file, either through the command line (co2mpas batch "C:/myinputs" -O "C:/myoutputs" -D flag.engineering_mode=True).

3.3 Running the CO2MPAS model.

Follow these steps to run CO2MPAS on Type-approval mode, using a demo file as input:

  • click "CO2MPAS" from the Windows Start-Menu to launch the GUI.
  • select as input one of the demo files from the appropriate folder.
  • select the Output folder.
  • Click on RUN TA button.
  • You can follow the execution of the model in the Log messages box. For a successful execution the output files will be allocated in the selected Output Folder and the files are also accesible in the Output Result Files box of the GUI. Note that if needed, the log provided by the model can be copied by selecting the text with the mouse and pressing Ctrl+C

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