This project is an android-playground to showcase evolving android patterns, new libraries and architectures. The project is work in progress and thus constantly being changed and updated. I intend to use this project for upcoming articles and talks as well.
I intend to achieve the following in the course of the project:
- Implement CI/CD for the project - Setup CI/CD using Github actions
- Migrate to gradle Kts
- Setup Kotlin code styles and lint checker - Use Ktlint
- Setup modularisation and dynamic features
- Android Architecture- MVVM pattern
- Leverage on Android Jetpack Components
- Implement Retrofit for network calls
- Implement ROOM for offline storage support
- Implement Kotlin Coroutines and Flows
- Setup Dagger for DI
- Implement Work Manager for syncing
- Provide dark theme support
- Adhere to material design style guidlines
- Write unit and UI tests for the project
- Continually update read me