2024.11.03: α-2.2.9
- ///
2024.10.30: α-2.2.8
- Add changelog dialog.
- Adjust position of version number.
2024.10.28: α-2.2.7
- Fix functionality in pfp change button.
2024.10.17: α-2.2.6
- Add splash text to login screen.
- Add version number.
- Add changelog to README.
2024.10.17: α-2.2.5
- Add panel toggling.
- Add keybinds dialog.
- Account dialog css updates.
2024.10.17: α-2.2.4
- Add keybinds button.
2024.10.16: α-2.2.3
- Fix flickering issues.
- Image styling updates.
2024.08.26: α-2.2.2
- Add justified usernames option.
2024.07.22: α-2.2.1
- Fixed message duplication issue.
2024.07.21: α-2.2.0
- Add image rendering.
- Add markdown framework.
2024.07.09: α-2.1.3
- Message deletion implementation.
2024.07.07: α-2.1.2
- Networking lag fixes.
- Notification fixes.
2024.07.06: α-2.1.1
- Infinite scrolling implementation.
- Logo positioning fixes on login page.
2024.07.04: α-2.1.0
- Password functionality.
- Fix profile button.
2024.07.03: α-2.0.6
- UI for theme editor implementation.
- Logo svg implementation.
2024.07.03: α-2.0.5
- Fixed formatting of server view panel to prevent overflow.
- Fixed logo positioning.
2024.07.03: α-2.0.4
- Avatar and username changes.
2024.07.02: α-2.0.3
- Logo redesign implementation.
- Dialog redesigns.
2024.07.02: α-2.0.2
- Add server IP label.
- Server info updates.
2024.07.02: α-2.0.1
- Add minimum width to message timestamps.
- Padding fixes for server buttons.
- Hover states for buttons.
- Background darken for popups.
2024.07.01: α-2.0.0
- UI/UX Concept 2 implementation.
2024.07.01: α-1.5.2
- Message editing implementation.
2024.06.29: α-1.5.1
- Server icon fixes.
2024.06.28: α-1.5.0
- General functionality improvements.
2024.01.24: α-1.4.3
- Migrate Svelte version.
- Dependency fixes.
- Server functionality improvements.
2024.01.22: α-1.4.2
- Server switching implementation.
2024.01.21: α-1.4.1
- Scrolling fixes.
- Multiple servers support.
2024.01.16: α-1.4.0
- Layout rework.
2023.12.19: α-1.3.10
- Channel switching implementation.
2023.12.09: α-1.3.9
- Avatar rendering.
- Channel list implementation.
2023.12.07: α-1.2.8
- Improved message history.
- Message caching.
2023.12.05: α-1.2.7
- Networking fixes.
- Channel caching.
2023.12.04: α-1.2.6
- Networking fixes.
2023.10.10: α-1.2.5
- Svelte updates.
2023.08.28: α-1.2.4
- Svelte updates.
2023.08.27: α-1.2.3
- Svelte updates.
2023.03.04: α-1.2.2
- Dependencies updates.
2023.02.23: α-1.2.1
- Begin migration to Starlette.
2022.10.10: α-1.1.1
- Initial sync server implementation.
2022.10.08: α-1.1.0
- Registration page.
- Loading page.
2022.08.23: α-1.0.1
- UI functionality updates.
2022.08.01: α-1.0.0
- UI concept 1 implementation.
- UI concept 1 placeholder assets.
2022.07.29: α-0.1.14
- CSS fixes.
2022.04.08: α-0.1.13
- Redesigned server menu.
2022.04.07: α-0.1.12
- Settings implementation.
2022.03.27: α-0.1.11
- CSS updates.
2022.02.18: α-0.1.10
- Connection error handling.
2022.02.15: α-0.1.9
- Server button HTML.
2022.02.03: α-0.1.8
- Emojis implementation.
2022.02.01: α-0.1.7
- Login implementation.
2022.01.30: α-0.1.6
- Channel functionality fix.
2022.01.28: α-0.1.5
- Channel and message rendering tests.
2022.01.26: α-0.1.4
- Styling update.
2022.01.23: α-0.1.3
- Base networking.
2022.01.21: α-0.1.2
- Dynamic messages.
2022.01.21: α-0.1.1
- Message test.
- Basic styling.
2022.01.21: α-0.1.0
- SocketIO connection.