- 🎉 making docs better and spreading good vibes at @woocommerce / @automattic
- 🎓 studying digital experience innovation at @uwaterloo
- 🇨🇦 living in toronto and drinking maple syrup
- ⛰️ adventuring!
- 🎥 built technical video content at autocode, watched over 500,000 times!
- 💻 helped make 50+ hackathons around the world happen with mlh
- 🏆 won 14 hackathon prize categories before they hired me (yay!)
- 🥇 featured in the mlh top 50 out of 135,000+ people!
- 👀 lead organized hack quarantine, a 3000+ attendee global hackathon organized in 10 days (don't do that)
- 🎖️ received the diana award for surviving it
- 🎤 spoke at tedx about experiential education
😎 jacklyn.dev / 💼 linkedin / 📸 instagram / 🐦 birdapp / 📺 youtube