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Given a dataset of movie titles and descriptions, implements text search using BM25 to score, classifies movies by genre, and generates captions for movie scenes

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Given this dataset of movie titles and descriptions from Kaggle, Movifier implements text search using Okapi BM25 to score, classifies movies by genre, and generates captions for movie scenes. The text search takes a description of a movie and outputs a list of similar movies with similar descriptions. Movifier is developed using Flask, a lightweight WSGI web application framework. The project proposal can be found here.

Text Search Documentation

Deployment Instructions


  1. Install Flask: pip install flask
  2. Run Movifier: sudo python Wait for the dataset to index movies. This will take a while unless you change the number of movies indexed to a lower number. The default is 1000. You can change this in Afterward, you will see a message * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) in the terminal.
  3. In a browser (localhost, port 5000):

Contributions & References

  • For text search, I used Toastdriven's microsearch repository and added some optimizations. I optimized the text search by adding stemming capabilities using the nltk.stem.porter module. Also, I added my own Okapi BM25 algorithm based on the formulas from Wikipedia
  • For the Flask web app API, I used CoreyMschafer's Flask_Blog repository as a starting point
  • I developed an algorithm to highlight the query tokens in the text description results using a regular expression. I used this post from the Salty Crane blog as a reference

Data Structures

Documents Structure

A field-based dictionary where the keys are field names and the values are the field's contents.

  "id": "movie-title",
  "text": "This is a movies description",
Inverted Index Structure

A term-based dictionary where the keys are terms and the values are documents/position information.

index = {
        'happy': {
            'Toy Story': [3],
        'back': {
            'Terminator': [5, 10],

Algorithms Explained

Important Libraries
Index Algorithm

Indexes the first 1000 movies of the movies_metadata.csv dataset. The number of movies indexed can be changed by altering the altering the boundary of the counter. Movies are saved as documents and the terms are saved into an inverted index. The movies are stored in JSON files to allow for easy indexing and searching.

with open('/home/JacobWilkins/Movifier/movies_metadata.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    counter = 0
    # index each movie by title and description
    for row in reader:
        doc_id = row['original_title']
        body = row['overview']
        mc.index(doc_id, {'text': body})
        counter += 1
        if counter > 1000: # only index first 1000 rows
Search Algorithm (Okapi BM25)

For a given document, the Okapi BM25 ranking score is calculated as

score = 0
for term in terms:
    idf = math.log((total_docs - matches[term] + 0.5) / (matches[term] + 0.5))
    score = score + (current_doc.get(term, 0) * idf * (k + 1)) / (current_doc.get(term, 0) + k * (1 - b + (b * (curr_len / avg_len))))
return score

where terms is the list of terms in the document, matches is the first dictionary returned from collect_results(self, terms), current doc is the second dictionary returned from collect_results(self, terms), total_docs is the total number of documents in the index, curr_len is the length of the current document, and avg_len is the average length of all the documents. b and k are used to modify ranking scores to fall in a given range.



Front n-grams of tokens are made from 3 to 6 in gram length.

terms = {}
for position, token in enumerate(tokens):
    for window_length in range(min_gram, min(max_gram + 1, len(token) + 1)):
        gram = token[:window_length]
        terms.setdefault(gram, [])
        if not position in terms[gram]:
return terms
Stop words

Queries are filtered using this set of stop words.

stopwords = set([
        'a', 'an', 'and', 'are', 'as', 'at', 'be', 'but', 'by',
        'for', 'if', 'in', 'into', 'is', 'it',
        'no', 'not', 'of', 'on', 'or', 's', 'such',
        't', 'that', 'the', 'their', 'then', 'there', 'these',
        'they', 'this', 'to', 'was', 'will', 'with'

Queries are filtered using this punctuation marks regular expression.

punctuation = re.compile('[~`!@#$%^&*()+={\[}\]|\\:;"\',<.>/?]')

Tokens are stemmed using the nltk PorterStemmer module to improve the quality of the search results.

ps = PorterStemmer()
token = ps.stem(token)

Test Cases

  1. Query: The Joker wreaks havoc on the people of Gotham, Results: Found 162 results in 0.153 seconds


My challenge with the text search was to modify the BM25 algorithm from the reference to be more accurate. To do this I researched the algorithm and created a new algorithm that scored the documents more accurately. The ranking functions I used can be found here

Movie Classifier Documentation

Deployment Instructions


  1. Install Flask: pip install flask
  2. Run Movifier: sudo python Wait for the dataset to index movies. This will take a while unless you change the number of movies indexed to a lower number. The default is 1000. You can change this in Afterward, you will see a message * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) in the terminal.
  3. In a browser (localhost, port 5000):

Contributions & References

For the test classifier I used this stackabuse article and this GitHub repository as reference. Both of these solutions used a train test split to test the accuracy of the algorithm, but I modified it to only classify the data inputted by the user. I added to these references by transforming them into a system that uses train data to classify a single test case. I made the train and test data identical in form and used pandas to make Data Frames for the test/train allowing them to both have the same number of data features.

Algorithms Explained

Important Libraries

Before classification begins, the movie descriptions of the train/test data are preprocessed to remove all special characters, remove all single characters, remove all multiple spaces for singles spaces, and converted to lowercase. Finally, lemmatization is performed using nltk's WordNetLemmatizer.

Count Vectorizer

The CountVectorizer fitted and transformed the text descriptions of the train/test data (the train movie decriptions) to identify the data features and then converted them into an array to be used for classification.

vectorizer = CountVectorizer(analyzer="word", tokenizer=None, preprocessor=None, stop_words=None, max_features=3000)
train_data_features = vectorizer.fit_transform(trainData['plot'])
train_data_features = train_data_features.toarray()
Random Forest Classifier

The RandomForestClassifier fitted the data features to the movies genres and then used this to make a prediction of the genre for the test data. The prediction is displayed for the user.

classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1000, random_state=0)
classifier =, trainData['tags'])


My challenge was to transform the references that were designed for test train split into a system that used train data to classify a single test case. I resolved this issue by making the train and test data identical in form and used pandas to make Data Frames for the test/train allowing them to both have the same number of data features.

Image Caption Generator Documentation

Deployment Instructions


  1. Install Flask: pip install flask
  2. Run Movifier: sudo python Wait for the dataset to index movies. This will take a while unless you change the number of movies indexed to a lower number. The default is 1000. You can change this in Afterward, you will see a message * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) in the terminal.
  3. In a browser (localhost, port 5000):

Contributions & References

To develop my image caption generator I used this TensorFlow tutorial. The Flickr8k Dataset used for training the deep learning model was torrented from here and stored in this Google Drive for programmatic access.

if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath('.') + '/' + 'Flicker8k_Dataset/'):

To contribute to the effictiveness of the caption generator I used the library to map the dataset into numpy files.

Algorithms Explained

Important Libraries

A deep learning model is preprocessed, built, and trained using InceptionV3 (from TensorFlow's keras API). The image features are then extracted from the model using new inputs and a hidden layer to generate the caption.

image_model = tf.keras.applications.InceptionV3(include_top=False, weights='imagenet')
new_input = image_model.input
hidden_layer = image_model.layers[-1].output
self.image_features_extract_model = tf.keras.Model(new_input, hidden_layer)

Max length is determined for the attention weights. The captions are tokenized into vector sequences which are padded based on the max length. The other features are determined using the embedding dimensions and units size.


One major issue I ran into was trying to find a way to access the files online in a programmatic way. First, I tried uploading the image dataset to GitHub, but I had trouble download the files from there. Next, I uploaded the images to Google Photos, but then soon realized there was no way to access them as all the filenames had been changed during the upload. Finally, I decided to upload the dataset to Google Drive and used the GoogleDriveDownloader API to easily access the images.


Jacob Wilkins


Given a dataset of movie titles and descriptions, implements text search using BM25 to score, classifies movies by genre, and generates captions for movie scenes







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