This Docker project adds composer and mysql-server=5.7 to juampynr/drupal7ci
. It is intended for testing a drupal 7 codebase that uses a single database.
The apache site root is /var/www/html/docroot
. If you require a different docroot, you can modify/replace `` and restart apache.
The database is initialized with the a single database and user. The db connection URL is mysql://drupal:[email protected]/drupal
In order to install dependencies you can use /usr/local/bin/composer -d /var/www/html install
. It may be the case you only need to install dev dependencies but the command is the same.
If using drush to install a base system for testing you can use something like the following:
/usr/local/bin/php /var/www/html/vendor/bin/drush si -y \
-r /var/www/html/docroot \
--db-url="mysql://drupal:[email protected]/drupal" \
testing \
You could then use the following to run your tests:
cd /var/www/html/docroot
sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/php ./scripts/ \
--color \
--verbose \
--url \
--directory sites/all/modules/custom/
If you have PHPStan, PHPCS and drupal/coder
as dev dependencies in composer you can add the following to your testing step:
cd /var/www/html/docroot
/usr/local/bin/php ../vendor/bin/phpcs sites/all/themes/custom sites/all/modules/custom
/usr/local/bin/php ../vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c path/to/phpstan-config.neon
PHPSTAN config:
- bootstrap.php
level: 6
- ../../themes/custom
- ../../modules/custom
PHPSTAN bootstrap file:
* @file This file is used to boostrap an instance for testing.
$root_path = '/var/www/html/docroot/';
// The Remote address is required by drupal.
// Bootstrap Drupal.
define('DRUPAL_ROOT', realpath($root_path));
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
If you are using this repository as your runner image with github actions, you will have to start apache and mysql with service apache2 start && service mysql start
. Github actions takes over the entrypoint so tini -- /usr/local/bin/docker-init
won't be executed.