Command Query Responsibility Separation and Event Sourcing library for Dart.
class Account implements AggregateModel {
String id;
String owner;
double amount;
Account({, this.owner, this.amount});
abstract class ForAccount {
final String forAggregate = "account";
class CreateAccountCmd extends Command with ForAccount {
final String modelId;
final String owner;
CreateAccountCmd({@required this.owner, @required this.modelId});
class DepositCmd extends Command with ForAccount {
final String modelId;
final double amount;
DepositCmd({@required this.amount, @required this.modelId});
class WithdrawCmd extends Command with ForAccount {
final String modelId;
final double amount;
WithdrawCmd({@required this.amount, @required this.modelId});
class AccountCreatedEvent implements Event {
String get forAggregate => "account";
final String id;
final String owner;
AccountCreatedEvent({@required, @required this.owner});
String toString() => "Created account ($id) for $owner.";
class DepositPerformedEvent implements Event {
String get forAggregate => "account";
final String id;
final double amount;
DepositPerformedEvent({@required, @required this.amount});
String toString() => "Deposited $amount\$ into account $id.";
class WithdrawalPerformedEvent implements Event {
String get forAggregate => "account";
final String id;
final double amount;
WithdrawalPerformedEvent({@required, @required this.amount});
String toString() => "Withdrew $amount\$ from account $id.";
class AccountAggregate extends Aggregate<Account> {
final String name = 'account';
Account initializeModel() => Account();
Future<void> apply(Account model, DomainEvent event) async {
if (event is AccountCreatedEvent) { =;
model.owner = event.owner;
model.amount = 0.0;
} else if (event is DepositPerformedEvent) {
model.amount += event.amount;
} else if (event is WithdrawalPerformedEvent) {
model.amount -= event.amount;
} else {
throw Exception("Unknown event!");
Future<void> handleCommand(
Command cmd, Account model, CommandOutput out) async {
if (cmd is CreateAccountCmd) {
if ( != null) {
out.setError("Model with id ${cmd.modelId} already exists!");
out.addEvent(AccountCreatedEvent(id: cmd.modelId, owner: cmd.owner));
} else if (cmd is DepositCmd) {
out.addEvent(DepositPerformedEvent(id: cmd.modelId, amount: cmd.amount));
} else if (cmd is WithdrawCmd) {
if (model.amount < cmd.amount) {
out.setError("Not enough balance!");
WithdrawalPerformedEvent(id: cmd.modelId, amount: cmd.amount));
} else {
throw UnsupportedError(cmd.runtimeType.toString());
main() async {
final cqrs = Cqrs()
..registerRepository(InMemoryRepository<Account>(forAggregate: "account"));;
await cqrs.submitCommand(CreateAccountCmd(owner: "Teja", modelId: "1"));
await cqrs.submitCommand(DepositCmd(modelId: "1", amount: 200.0));
await cqrs.submitCommand(DepositCmd(modelId: "1", amount: 200.0));
await cqrs.submitCommand(WithdrawCmd(modelId: "1", amount: 300.0));
await cqrs.submitCommand(DepositCmd(modelId: "1", amount: 400.0));
Created account (1) for Teja. Deposited 200.0$ into account 1. Deposited 200.0$ into account 1. Withdrew 300.0$ from account 1. Deposited 400.0$ into account 1.