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Jake Stanger edited this page May 1, 2023 · 22 revisions

You can compile Ironbar from source using cargo. Just clone the repo and build:

git clone
cd ironbar
cargo build --release
# change path to wherever you want to install
install target/release/ironbar ~/.local/bin/ironbar

Build requirements

To build from source, you must have GTK (>= 3.22) and GTK Layer Shell installed.


pacman -S gtk3 gtk-layer-shell


apt install libgtk-3-dev libgtk-layer-shell-dev


dnf install gtk3 gtk-layer-shell


By default, all features are enabled for convenience. This can result in a significant compile time. If you know you are not going to need all the features, you can compile with only the features you need.

As of v0.10.0, compiling with no features is about 33% faster. On a 3800X, it takes about 60 seconds for no features and 90 seconds for all. This difference is expected to increase as the bar develops.

Features containing a + can be stacked, for example config+json and config+yaml could both be enabled.

To build using only specific features, disable default features and pass a comma separated list to cargo build:

cargo build --release --no-default-features \
  --features http,config+json,clock

⚠ Make sure you enable at least one config feature otherwise you will not be able to start the bar!

Feature Description
http Enables HTTP features. Currently this includes the ability to load remote images.
config+all Enables support for all configuration languages.
config+json Enables configuration support for JSON.
config+yaml Enables configuration support for YAML.
config+toml Enables configuration support for TOML.
config+corn Enables configuration support for Corn.
clipboard Enables the clipboard module.
clock Enables the clock module.
music+all Enables the music module with support for all player types.
music+mpris Enables the music module with MPRIS support.
music+mpd Enables the music module with MPD support.
sys_info Enables the sys_info module.
tray Enables the tray module.
upower Enables the upower module.
workspaces+all Enables the workspaces module with support for all compositors.
workspaces+sway Enables the workspaces module with support for Sway.
workspaces+hyprland Enables the workspaces module with support for Hyprland.
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