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Sys Info

Jake Stanger edited this page Feb 15, 2025 · 7 revisions

Displays one or more labels containing system information.

Separating information across several labels allows for styling each one independently. Pango markup is supported.

Options can be provided in a token to specify operations, units and formatting.

Screenshot showing sys-info module with widgets for all of the types of formatting tokens


Type: sys_info

Name Type Default Description
format string[] null Array of strings including formatting tokens. For available tokens see below.
interval integer or Map 5 Seconds between refreshing. Can be a single value for all data or a map of individual refresh values for different data types.
interval.memory integer 5 Seconds between refreshing memory data.
interval.cpu integer 5 Seconds between refreshing cpu data.
interval.temps integer 5 Seconds between refreshing temperature data.
interval.disks integer 5 Seconds between refreshing disk data. integer 5 Seconds between refreshing network data.
orientation 'horizontal' or 'vertical' (shorthand: 'h' or 'v') 'horizontal' Orientation of the labels.
direction 'horizontal' or 'vertical' (shorthand: 'h' or 'v') 'horizontal' How the labels are laid out (not the rotation of an individual label).
  "end": [
      "format": [
        " {cpu_percent}% | {cpu_frequency} GHz | {temp_c@CPUTIN}°C",
        " {memory_used} / {memory_total} GB ({memory_available} | {memory_percent}%) | {swap_used} / {swap_total} GB ({swap_free} | {swap_percent}%)",
        "󰋊 {disk_used#T@/:.1} / {disk_total#T@/:.1} TB ({disk_percent@/}%) | {disk_read} / {disk_write} MB/s",
        "󰓢 {net_down@enp39s0} / {net_up@enp39s0} Mbps",
        "󰖡 {load_average_1} | {load_average_5} | {load_average_15}",
        "󰥔 {uptime}"
      "interval": {
        "cpu": 1,
        "disks": 300,
        "memory": 30,
        "networks": 3,
        "temps": 5
      "type": "sys_info"
type = 'sys_info'
format = [
    " {cpu_percent}% | {cpu_frequency} GHz | {temp_c@CPUTIN}°C",
    " {memory_used} / {memory_total} GB ({memory_available} | {memory_percent}%) | {swap_used} / {swap_total} GB ({swap_free} | {swap_percent}%)",
    "󰋊 {disk_used#T@/:.1} / {disk_total#T@/:.1} TB ({disk_percent@/}%) | {disk_read} / {disk_write} MB/s",
    "󰓢 {net_down@enp39s0} / {net_up@enp39s0} Mbps",
    "󰖡 {load_average_1} | {load_average_5} | {load_average_15}",
    "󰥔 {uptime}"

cpu = 1
disks = 300
memory = 30
networks = 3
temps = 5

- format:
  - " {cpu_percent}% | {cpu_frequency} GHz | {temp_c@CPUTIN}°C"
  - " {memory_used} / {memory_total} GB ({memory_available} | {memory_percent2}%) | {swap_used} / {swap_total} GB ({swap_free} | {swap_percent}%)"
  - "󰋊 {disk_used#T@/:.1} / {disk_total#T@/:.1} TB ({disk_percent@/}%) | {disk_read} / {disk_write} MB/s"
  - "󰓢 {net_down@enp39s0} / {net_up@enp39s0} Mbps"
  - "󰖡 {load_average_1} | {load_average_5} | {load_average_15}"
  - "󰥔 {uptime}"
    cpu: 1
    disks: 300
    memory: 30
    networks: 3
    temps: 5
  type: sys_info
  end = [
      type = "sys_info"

      interval.memory = 30
      interval.cpu = 1
      interval.temps = 5
      interval.disks = 300
      interval.networks = 3

      format = [
        " {cpu_percent}% | {cpu_frequency} GHz | {temp_c@CPUTIN}°C"
        " {memory_used} / {memory_total} GB ({memory_available} | {memory_percent2}%) | {swap_used} / {swap_total} GB ({swap_free} | {swap_percent}%)"
        "󰋊 {disk_used#T@/:.1} / {disk_total#T@/:.1} TB ({disk_percent@/}%) | {disk_read} / {disk_write} MB/s"
        "󰓢 {net_down@enp39s0} / {net_up@enp39s0} Mbps"
        "󰖡 {load_average_1} | {load_average_5} | {load_average_15}"
        "󰥔 {uptime}"

Formatting Tokens

The below table lists the tokens which can be used in the format configuration option. More information about each of these and the additional options can be found further below.

Token Default Function Default Unit Default Formatting
{cpu_frequency[#core]} mean MHz .2
{cpu_percent[#core]} mean % 0<2
{memory_free} N/A GB 0<4.1
{memory_available} N/A GB 0<4.1
{memory_used} N/A GB 0<4.1
{memory_total} N/A GB 0<4.1
{memory_percent} N/A GB 0<4.1
{swap_free} N/A GB 0<4.1
{swap_used} N/A GB 0<4.1
{swap_total} N/A GB 0<4.1
{swap_percent} N/A GB 0<4.1
{temp_c[#sensor]} max °C
{temp_f[#sensor]} max °F
{disk_free[#mount]} sum GB
{disk_used[#mount]} sum GB
{disk_total[#mount]} sum GB
{disk_percent[#mount]} sum %
{disk_read[#mount]} sum MB/s
{disk_write[#mount]} sum MB/s
{net_down[#adapter]} sum Mb/s
{net_up[#adapter]} sum Mb/s
{load_average_1} N/A - .2
{load_average_5} N/A - .2
{load_average_15} N/A - .2
{uptime} N/A ??? ???

Functions and names

Many of the tokens operate on a value set, as opposed to an individual value:

  • CPU tokens operate on each physical thread.
  • Temperature tokens operate on each sensor.
  • Disk tokens operate on each mount.
  • Network tokens operate on each adapter.

By default, these will apply a function to the full set to reduce them down to a single value. The list of available functions is shown below:

Function Description
sum Adds each value in the set.
min Gets the smallest value in the set.
max Gets the largest value in the set.
mean Gets the mean average value of the set.

It is also possible to get only a single value from the set by specifying a name instead of a function.

Token category Valid name
CPU A CPU thread, eg cpu0, cpu1, ...
Temperature A sensor name, eg CPUTIN. These line up with the output of sensors.
Disk A disk mountpoint, eg /, /home, ...
Network An adapter name, eg eth0 or enp30s0.

To specify a name or function, use a @. For example, to show disk percent for /home:


To show total CPU utilization where each core represents 100% (like htop etc):


Prefixes and units

For tokens which return an appropriate unit, you can specify the SI prefix (or unit in some special cases). The following options can be supplied:

Name Value
Kilo k
Mega M
Giga G
Tera T
Peta P
Kibi ki
Mebi Mi
Gibi Gi
Tebi Ti
Pebi Pi
Kilobit kb
Megabit Mb
Gigabit Gb

To specify a prefix or unit, use a #. For example, to show free total disk space in terabytes:

"{disk_free#T} TB"


To control the formatting of the resultant number, a subset of Rust's string formatting is implemented. This includes:

  • Width
  • Fill/Alignment
  • Precision

Formatting is specified with a : and MUST be the last part of a token.


The width controls the minimum string length of the value. Specifying just a width will left-pad the value with 0 until the value reaches the target length.

The width can be any value from 1-9. Larger values are not supported.

For example, to render CPU usage as 045%:


These options can be used to control the width property.

To specify the fill and alignment, prefix the width with a character and a direction. Fill characters can be any single UTF-8 character EXCEPT 1-9. Alignment must be one of:

  • < - Left fill
  • ^ - Center fill
  • > - Right fill

For example, to render CPU usage as 45%:

"{cpu_usage: <3}%"

The number of decimal places a value is shown to can be controlled using precision. Any value is supported.

To specify precision, include a . followed by the value. If other options are supplied, this MUST come after.

For example, to render used disk space to 2dp:

"{disk_used:.2} GB"

Combining Options

Each of the token options can be combined to create more complex solutions.

Putting it all together, you could show the free disk space on your /home partition in terabytes, left-padded with spaces to a min width of 5, and shown to 2dp as follows:

"{disk_used@/home#T: <5.2} TB"


Selector Description
.sysinfo Sysinfo widget box
.sysinfo .item Individual information label

For more information on styling, please see the styling guide.