Below is a quick overview of every repository on my Github. All projects are original sources (rather than forks of projects created by other users).
- Forthish - A C# Console application for a Forth-like stack-based language
- Logo - A C# WinForms implementation of the educational programming language Logo with the addition of variables, evaluations and basic control functions (if/then/else/loops etc.)
- Lispy - A basic Lisp interpreter in Nim
- Subleq - A Subleq interpreter in Fortran
- AnalyticalEngine - Analytical Engine emulator in Raku
- BrainfuckBrowser - A very simple browser-based Brainfuck interpreter in Javascript, HTML & CSS
- BrainfuckCompiler - A command-line node.js application for generating MASM-compatible x86 Assembly versions of Brainfuck programs
- Logo3D - 3D Logo interpreter in Python using OpenGL
- Lambda - A simple Lambda Calculus expression interpreter in Java
- Traceroute - A simple command-line tracert implementation in Python 3 using ICMP packets
- TCPPortScan - A simple TCP Port Scanner in Ruby
- DNS - A simple command-line Domain Name System tool in Ruby
- SYNScan - A command-line port scanner using raw SYN packets in C
- RedditImageScraper - Console application for downloading images from Reddit in Python
- TicTacToeMinimax - A simple C# WinForms application for playing Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts & Crosses) using the Minimax algorithm
- DraughtsMinimax - A Processing implementation of Draughts (Checkers) using Minimax
- Connect4Minimax - A Connect-4 game using Javascript and p5.js
- Robotics
- RobotArmGestures - Controlling the Hiwonder xArm1S robotic arm with hand gestures in Python
- Wordsearch - Wordsearch puzzle solver with UI in Java using Swing and searcher in Erlang
- Sudoku - A Sudoku puzzle solver with algorithm in F# and UI in C# Winforms
- PegSolitaire - Peg Solitaire solver in OCaml
- Traintracks - Traintrack puzzle game in Python
- GeniusSquare - Genius Square puzzle solver in Python
- Hangman - Hangman in SNOBOL
- ConsoleSnake - Snake game for Windows console in C/C++
- Pong - Pong game in x86 Assembler
- NQueens - N-Queens solver in Common Lisp
- MagicSquare - Magic Square solver in Prolog
- AdafruitBLESniffer - Bluetooth sniffer for the Adafruit Bluefruit device in Python
- LoStikLoraChat - Simple text chat client for the LoStik Lora device using Python and PySimpleGUI for UI
- MeshSpeech - Meshtastic desktop client with text-to/from-speech in Python
- ToneGenerator - DTMF, Blue, and US/UK Red Box tone generator for the Cardputor device in Arduino Sketch (C++)
- FlipperZeroIRPlayer - Program for playing Flipper Zero IR files on CardPuter device in Arduino Sketch (C++)
- Maze - Maze Generation and Solving in Python
- Fractals - Fractals with zoom functionality in Python and Julia
- BitwiseImages - Images created with bitwise operators in Julia
- MSPainter - Picture generator using MS Paint in Python
- GraphPlotter - Graph Plotter in Python using Tkinter
- ImageToANSI - Image to ANSI converter in Perl
- TextToSpeechTail - Console tail application with online/offline text-to-speech in Python
A C# Console application for a Forth-like stack-based language
An implementation of the educational programming language Logo with the addition of variables, evaluations and basic control functions (repeat
, if..then..else
, while
, break
, continue
etc.) in C#
A basic Lisp interpreter in Nim
A Subleq interpreter in Fortran
Analytical Engine emulator in Raku
A very simple browser-based Brainfuck interpreter in Javascript, HTML & CSS
A command-line node.js application for generating MASM-compatible x86 Assembly versions of Brainfuck programs.
3D Logo interpreter in Python using OpenGL
A simple Lambda Calculus expression interpreter in Java
A simple command-line tracert implementation in Python using ICMP packets
A simple TCP Port Scanner in Ruby
A simple command-line Domain Name System (DNS) tool in Ruby
A command-line port scanner using raw SYN packets in C
Console application for downloading images from Reddit in Python
A simple C# WinForms application for playing Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts & Crosses) using the Minimax algorithm.
A Processing implementation of Draughts (Checkers) using Minimax
A Connect-4 game using Javascript and p5.js
Controlling the Hiwonder xArm1S robotic arm with hand gestures in Python
Wordsearch puzzle solver with UI in Java using Swing and searcher in Erlang.
A Sudoku puzzle solver with algorithm in F# and UI in C# Winforms
Peg Solitaire solver in OCaml
Traintrack puzzle game in Python
Genius Square puzzle solver in Python
Hangman in SNOBOL
Snake game for Windows console in C/C++
Pong game in x86 Assembler
N-Queens solver in Common Lisp
Magic Square solver in Prolog
Bluetooth sniffer for the Adafruit Bluefruit device in Python
Simple text chat client for the LoStik Lora device using Python and PySimpleGUI for UI
Meshtastic desktop client with text-to/from-speech in Python
DTMF, Blue, and US/UK Red Box tone generator for the Cardputor device in Arduino Sketch (C++)
Program for playing Flipper Zero IR files on CardPuter device in Arduino Sketch (C++)
Maze Generation and Solving in Python
Fractals with zoom functionality in Python and Julia
Images created with bitwise operators in Julia
Picture generator using MS Paint in Python
Graph Plotter in Python using Tkinter
Image to ANSI converter in Perl
Console tail application with online/offline text-to-speech in Python
When learning any programming language, I create a 'dump' folder into which I commit various scripts during the learning process.
When I feel comfortable undertaking a larger project in a new language I will often add additional scripts as I come across concepts or libraries that I didn't encounter whilst learning. It also serves as a useful 'cheat-sheet' to refer to when I need to recall 'how to create a 2D array in language X', 'can language Y pass-by-reference?', 'how to pass variable number of parameters in language Z', etc.
The full list of 'dump' repositories is as follows:
- C# - C#, WPF, .NET etc.
- Java - Java
- C - Classic C
- C++ - "There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses." - Bjarne Stroustrup
- Rust - "most loved programming language" in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey every year since 2016, apparently
- Go - General purpose language created by Google
- Zig - Niche systems programming language
- Python - A general purpose programming language whose popularity is inversely proportional to the amount of thought that went into creating it
- Ruby - Ruby
- Processing - An educational programming language made for visual design - similar to, and compiles to, Java.
- Julia - A high-level (but fast) programming language for science and maths. Often touted as a replacement for MATLAB.
- Nim - A rarely used but fascinating language with a host of interesting programming features
- Perl - Perl
- Raku - Rebranded Perl 6
- Javascript - Everyone uses it, everyone hates it, and everyone keeps using it
- TypeScript - Javascript superset with an actual type-system
- Lisp - Common Lisp
- Clojure - A modern Lisp dialect
- Racket - ..and another Lisp dialect
- Scala - A functional language that runs on the JVM
- F# - The .NET functional programming language. Similar to ML.
- OCAML - Functional programming language. Again, similar to ML.
- Haskell - Pure functional programming language
- Erlang - Functional programming language from Ericsson
- Elixir - Functional programming language that runs on the Erlang VM
- R - Statistical programming language
- Prolog - Old and largely forgotten logic programming language
- SNOBOL - Very old language for string-orientated programming language
- PostScript - Stack-based page description language
- x86 Assembly - x86 Assembly
- Wasm - Low-level WebAssembly
- JavaByteCode - Low-level Java Byte Code