This is not an official Google product or service
The Datacast transcoder
is a schema-driven, message-oriented utility to simplify the lossless ingestion of common high-performance electronic trading data formats to Google Cloud.
Electronic trading venues have specialized data representation and distribution needs. In particular, efficient message representation is a high priority due to the massive volume of transactions a venue processes. Cloud-native APIs often use JSON for message payloads, but the extra bytes required to represent messages using high-context encodings have cost implications in metered computing environments.
Unlike JSON, YAML, or even CSV, binary-encoded data is low-context and not self-describing -- the instructions for interpreting binary messages must be explicitly provided by producers separately and in advance, and followed by interpreters.
The architecture of the transcoder relies on several principal abstractions, detailed below:
A schema (also known as a data dictionary) is similar to an API specification, but instead of describing API endpoint contracts, it describes the representative format of binary messages that flow between systems. The closest comparison might be drawn with table definitions supported by SQL Data Definition Language, but these schemas are used for data in-motion as well as data at-rest.
The transcoder's current input schema support is for Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) XML as well as QuickFIX-styled FIX protocol schema representations (also in XML).
Target schema and data elements are rendered based on the specified output_type
. With no output type specified, the transcoder defaults to displaying the YAML representation of transcoded messages to the console, and does not perform persistent schema transformations. For Avro and JSON, the transcoded schema and data files are encapsulated in POSIX files locally. Direct trancoding to BigQuery and Pub/Sub targets are supported, with the transcoded schemas being applied prior to message ingestion or publishing. Terraform configurations for BigQuery and Pub/Sub resources can also be derived from a specified input schema. The Terraform options only render the configurations locally and do not execute Terraform apply
. The --create_schemas_only
option transcodes schemas in isolation for other output types.
The names of the output resources will individually correspond to the names of the message types defined in the input schema. For example, the transcoder will create and use a Pub/Sub topic named "NewOrderSingle" for publishing FIX NewOrderSingle
messages found in source data. Similarly, if an output type of bigquery
is selected, the transcoder will create a NewOrderSingle
table in the dataset specified by --destination_dataset_id
. By default, Avro and JSON encoded output will be saved to a file named <message type>
with the respective extensions in a directory specified using the --output_path
A message represents a discrete interaction between two systems sharing a schema. Each message will conform to a single message type as defined in the schema. Specific message types can be included or excluded for processing by passing a comma-delimited string of message type names to the --message_type_exclusions
and --message_type_inclusions
Encodings describe how the contents of a message payload are represented to systems. Many familiar encodings, such as JSON, YAML or CSV, are self-describing and do not strictly require that applications use a separate schema definition. However, binary encodings such as SBE, Avro and Protocol Buffers require that applications employ the associated schema in order to properly interpret messages.
The transcoder's supported inbound encodings are SBE binary and ASCII-encoded (tag=value) FIX. Outbound encodings for Pub/Sub message payloads can be Avro binary or Avro JSON. Local files can be generated in either Avro or JSON.
The transcoder supports base64 decoding of messages using the --base64
and --base64_urlsafe
A message transport describes the mechanism for transferring messages between systems. This can be data-in-motion, such as an ethernet network, or data-at-rest, such as a file living on a POSIX filesytem or an object residing within cloud storage. Raw message bytes must be unframed from a particular transport, such as length-delimited files or packet capture files.
The transcoder's currently supported inbound message source transports are PCAP files, length-delimited binary files, and newline-delimited ASCII files. Multicast UDP and Pub/Sub inbound transports are on the roadmap.
Outbound transport options are locally stored Avro and JSON POSIX files, and Pub/Sub topics or BigQuery tables. If no output_type
is specified, the transcoded messages are output to the console encoded in YAML and not persisted automatically. Additionally, Google Cloud resource definitions for specified schemas can be encapsulated in Terraform configurations.
A message factory takes a message payload read from the input source, determines the associated message type from the schema to apply, and performs any adjustments to the message data prior to transcoding. For example, a message producer may use non-standard SBE headers or metadata that you would like to remove or transform. For standard FIX tag/value input sources, the included fix
message factory may be used.
# List available cli arguments
usage: txcode [-h] --factory {asx,cme,memx,fix} --schema_file SCHEMA_FILE --source_file
SOURCE_FILE [--source_file_encoding SOURCE_FILE_ENCODING]
--source_file_format_type {pcap,length_delimited,line_delimited,cme_binary_packet}
[--base64 | --base64_urlsafe] [--fix_header_tags FIX_HEADER_TAGS]
[--fix_separator FIX_SEPARATOR] [--message_handlers MESSAGE_HANDLERS]
[--message_skip_bytes MESSAGE_SKIP_BYTES]
[--message_type_exclusions MESSAGE_TYPE_EXCLUSIONS | --message_type_inclusions MESSAGE_TYPE_INCLUSIONS]
[--sampling_count SAMPLING_COUNT] [--skip_bytes SKIP_BYTES]
[--skip_lines SKIP_LINES] [--source_file_endian {big,little}]
[--output_path OUTPUT_PATH]
[--output_type {diag,avro,fastavro,bigquery,pubsub,bigquery_terraform,pubsub_terraform,jsonl}]
[--error_output_path ERROR_OUTPUT_PATH] [--lazy_create_resources] [--stats_only]
[--create_schemas_only] [--destination_project_id DESTINATION_PROJECT_ID]
[--destination_dataset_id DESTINATION_DATASET_ID]
[--output_encoding {binary,json}]
[--create_schema_enforcing_topics | --no-create_schema_enforcing_topics]
[--continue_on_error] [--log {notset,debug,info,warning,error,critical}] [-q] [-v]
Datacast Transcoder process input arguments
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--continue_on_error Indicates if an exception file should be created, and records continued
to be processed upon message level exceptions
--log {notset,debug,info,warning,error,critical}
The default logging level
-q, --quiet Suppress message output to console
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Input source arguments:
--factory {asx,cme,memx,fix}
Message factory for decoding
--schema_file SCHEMA_FILE
Path to the schema file
--source_file SOURCE_FILE
Path to the source file
--source_file_encoding SOURCE_FILE_ENCODING
The source file character encoding
--source_file_format_type {pcap,length_delimited,line_delimited,cme_binary_packet}
The source file format
--base64 Indicates if each individual message extracted from the source is base
64 encoded
--base64_urlsafe Indicates if each individual message extracted from the source is base
64 url safe encoded
--fix_header_tags FIX_HEADER_TAGS
Comma delimited list of fix header tags
--fix_separator FIX_SEPARATOR
The unicode int representing the fix message separator
--message_handlers MESSAGE_HANDLERS
Comma delimited list of message handlers in priority order
--message_skip_bytes MESSAGE_SKIP_BYTES
Number of bytes to skip before processing individual messages within a
repeated length delimited file message source
--message_type_exclusions MESSAGE_TYPE_EXCLUSIONS
Comma-delimited list of message types to exclude when processing
--message_type_inclusions MESSAGE_TYPE_INCLUSIONS
Comma-delimited list of message types to include when processing
--sampling_count SAMPLING_COUNT
To be used for testing only - the sampling count indicates how many of
each distinct message type to process, any additional will be skipped
--skip_bytes SKIP_BYTES
Number of bytes to skip before processing the file. Useful for skipping
file-level headers
--skip_lines SKIP_LINES
Number of lines to skip before processing the file
--source_file_endian {big,little}
Source file endianness
Output arguments:
--output_path OUTPUT_PATH
Output file path. Defaults to avroOut
--output_type {diag,avro,fastavro,bigquery,pubsub,bigquery_terraform,pubsub_terraform,jsonl}
Output format type
--error_output_path ERROR_OUTPUT_PATH
Error output file path if --continue_on_error flag enabled. Defaults to
Flag indicating that output resources for message types should be only
created as messages of each type are encountered in the source data.
Default behavior is to create resources for each message type before
messages are processed. Particularly useful when working with FIX but
only processing a limited set of message types in the source data
--stats_only Flag indicating that transcoder should only report on message type
counts without parsing messages further
Flag indicating that transcoder should only create output resource
schemas and not output message data
Google Cloud arguments:
--destination_project_id DESTINATION_PROJECT_ID
The Google Cloud project ID for the destination resource
BigQuery arguments:
--destination_dataset_id DESTINATION_DATASET_ID
The BigQuery dataset for the destination. If it does not exist, it will
be created
Pub/Sub arguments:
--output_encoding {binary,json}
The encoding of the output
--create_schema_enforcing_topics, --no-create_schema_enforcing_topics
Indicates if Pub/Sub schemas should be created and used to validate
messages sent to a topic (default: True)
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you prefer to make the transcoder available globally on your machine, execute the scripts below. This script will update the permissions on the txcode symlink to grant execute permissions, and add the txcode symlink to your system PATH variable.
Note if using macOS with interactive shells, you will need to change '~/.bash_profile' to '~/.bash_rc'.
cd market-data-transcoder/
chmod +x bin/txcode
echo "
# The next line updates PATH for the Datacast Transcoder.
if [ -f '$inc_path' ]; then . '$inc_path'; fi" \
>> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc