1.9.18: [2019-07-24] James Heinrich :: 1.9.18-201907240906
- bugfix (#198) use native hash functions instead of obsolete external binaries
- bugfix (#194) PHP 7.4 compatibility: fix deprecated curly brace array access
- bugfix (#191) unsupported operand types module.audio.ac3.php:763
- bugfix (#189) false UTF-16 and no termination strings
- bugfix (#188) add support for DS2 v8
- bugfix (#187) RIFF.WAVE.scot parsing
- bugfix (#184) invalid regex pattern (ID3v1)
- bugfix (#183) reduced information for GIF files with $option_extra_info=false
- bugfix (#175) mp4 max buffer size
- bugfix (#174) TIFF parsing improvements
- bugfix (#121) trailing nulls in ID3v2 strings
- standardize "track" -> "track_number"