A AWS-Dynamo-Database to store information about a university-program. Entities are Students, Courses and Study-Programs. Uses AWS lambda funciton to interact with the DB
Build on the AWS SDK and provides the CRUD-functionality to the DB. The same methods are used for the differen entities.
Provides Methods to CRUD study-program and student data on the Dynamo-Database. It is also possible to get all the courses of a student and remove a student from a course
As this demo is used for demonstration purposes including excercieses, the methods regarding course data manipulation were extracted in a separate file (courses_handler.js). The CRUD methods for courses as well the method to assign a student to a course or to get all the students of a course are found here.
This is the basis for the exercises. The sceleton files have to be filled by the student. A possible solution is courses_handler.js