![Searchstone] (https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2000/1*TDiE4_ANWjtekDNZmisj-g.png)
Searchstone.io is an open source search engine for the Heartstone card playing video game. It relies on Algolia API for the search and instantsearch.js for the UI.
I've published an article on Medium that explain a bit more the project: [A painstakingly crafted search for Hearthstone] (https://medium.com/@Kevin_Granger/a-painstakingly-crafted-search-for-hearthstone-c21b3fa4223c)
- As-you-type experience
- Full-text search in name, description and attributes
- Smart Highlighting
- Multi-language support
- Typo tolerance
- Switch between grid/card and list view
- Refinement on every attributes (Set, Race, Type, Mana, Class, Mechanics, Attack, Health)
- Golden animations cards
- Responsive Design
$> npm install
$> gulp dev
$> NODE_ENV=production gulp deploy