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File metadata and controls

135 lines (84 loc) · 7.21 KB

Getting Started

Setting up the development environment

To build the application you can either install gradle 4.x locally on your machine using the appropriate package manager for your OS (brew or macports for OSX, yum for Centos based Linux distros, apt-get for Debian based Linux distros) or use gradle scripts packaged with the project.

Because the build is configured to run the integration tests as part of the full build you also need to have access to a Mongo database server. The default configuration expects the database server to be running on the development machine but it doesn't have to.

Setup MongoDB

To install MongoDB on MacOS:

With Homebrew: brew install mongodb

With macports: sudo port install mongodb

On Centos based Linux distributions (Centos, Scientific Linux) you can use: yum install mongodb-org-server

On Debian based Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu) you can use: sudo apt-get install mongodb-org

Once MongoDB is installed on your machine you really don't have to do anything else because the tests will create the needed databases and the collections as long as the user has prvileges to do so.

Building and running the application

Building the application

gradle build or ./gradlew build

Running only the integration tests

./gradlew integrationTest

If you want to use a different test database than the one running locally on your development machine you can create a configuration file in which you override the database connection settings and then use JACS2_CONFIG_TEST environment variable to point to it, eg., JACS2_CONFIG_TEST=/my/prefered/location/for/dev/ ./gradlew integrationTest

Keep in mind that since the integrationTests are configured to run as part of the build check stage you also need to have the environment variable set you you run the build: JACS2_CONFIG_TEST=/my/prefered/location/for/dev/ ./gradlew build

For example could look as below if you want to use the dev mongo database. I recommend to prefix the database name with your user name so that your tests will not clash with other users' tests in case the build runs simultaneously. MongoDB.ConnectionURL=mongodb://dev-mongodb:27017 MongoDB.Database=myusername_jacs_test

and to build the application you simply run:

JACS2_CONFIG_TEST=$PWD/ ./gradlew clean build installDist


When using the environment variable to reference the configuration use the full path in order to guarantee that the right properties are being used.

Package the application

./gradlew installDist

Note that 'installDist' target will not run any unit tests or integration tests.

Run the application

To run the async services with the default settings which assume a Mongo database instance running on the same machine where the web server is running:


If you want to debug the application you can start the application with the debug agent as below:

JAVA_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" jacs2-asyncweb/build/install/jacs2-asyncweb/bin/jacs2-asyncweb

The default settings could be overwritten with your own settings in a java properties file that contains only the updated properties and then use JACS2_CONFIG environment variable to reference the settings file, e.g.

JACS2_CONFIG=/usr/local/etc/ jacs2-asyncweb/build/install/jacs2-asyncweb/bin/jacs2-asyncweb

Run multiple jacsV2 instances against the same mongo database store

If you want to run multiple instances of JacsV2, whethere it's on the same or on different machines, but against the same mongo database, in order to prevent services from being processed multiple times, you need every instance of JacsV2 to use a different "". This can be specified either in the configuration properties and then each instance will have to use its own configuration properties or in the command line, e.g.:

JAVA_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" jacs2-asyncweb/build/install/jacs2-asyncweb/bin/jacs2-asyncweb

As a note you can overwrite every configuration property in the command line using -D=

Run the admin dashboard

To run the dashboard, navigate to the jacs2-admin directory after building and type npm start. This will kick off the administration dashboard in hot-deploy mode. Any items that you change in the source will be rebuilt an deployed to the server, so you can edit your React pages live.

Test the application

Here are a few service invocation examples:

  • Generate sample MIPs and movies:

curl --request POST --url http://goinac-ws1:8080//api/v2/async-services/getSampleMIPsAndMovies --header 'acc: application/json' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"processingLocation": "LOCAL", "args": ["-sampleId", "2230165384508473442" ,"-objective", "20x", "-sampleDataDir", "/home/goinac/Work/jacs-2/tt/missing"]}'

  • Generate LSM metadata for a single LSM file on the LSF cluster

curl --request POST --url http://goinac-ws1:8080/api/v2/async-services/lsmFileMetadata --header 'acc: application/json' --header 'content-type: application/json' --header 'postman-token: c8f66acb-91e1-00a7-944a-12da50719688' --data '{"processingLocation": "LSF_DRMAA", "args": ["-inputLSM", "/home/goinac/Work/jacs-2/tt/missing/f1.lsm", "-outputLSMMetadata", "/home/goinac/Work/jacs-2/tt/missing/f1.json"]}'

  • Generate sample LSM metadata:

curl --request POST --url http://goinac-ws1:8080/api/v2/async-services/getSampleLsmMetadata --header 'acc: application/json' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"processingLocation": "LOCAL", "args": ["-sampleId", "2230165384508473442" , "-objective", "20x", "-sampleDataDir", "/home/goinac/Work/jacs-2/tt/missing"]}'

  • Run a Fiji macro on the LSF cluster

curl --request POST --url http://goinac-ws1:8080/api/v2/async-services/fijiMacro --header 'acc: application/json' --header 'cache-control: no-cache' --header 'content-type: application/json' --header 'postman-token: 224b8f88-fd54-69f9-457f-0ec5e6c23a1f' --data '{"processingLocation": "LSF_DRMAA", "args": ["-macro", "Basic_MIP_StackAvi.ijm" , "-macroArgs", "/home/goinac/Work/jacs-2/tt/missing/mips,FLPO_20160121130448632_61713,,/home/goinac/Work/jacs-2/tt/missing/FLPO_20160121130448632_61713.lsm,,,,r,1,2,mips:movies:legends:bcomp"],"resources": {"gridAccountId": "jacs", "gridPE": "batch 8", "gridResourceLimits": "haswell=true,h_rt=1200" }}'

  • Run the aligner

curl --request POST --url http://goinac-ws1:8080/api/v2/async-services/align --header 'acc: application/json' --header 'cache-control: no-cache' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"processingLocation": "LOCAL", "args": ["-i1File", "/nrs/scicompsoft/yuy/flylight/brains/issue/A4_ZB4_T1_CEN_20160318_24_40X_R1.v3draw", "-i1Channels", "4", "-i1Ref", "4", "-i1Res", "0.4413x0.4413x0.44", "-config", "/nrs/scicompsoft/yuy/brainaligner/systemvars.apconf", "-templateDir", "/nrs/scicompsoft/yuy/configured_templates", "-toolsDir", "/nrs/scicompsoft/yuy/Toolkits", "-mountingProtocol", "DPX PBS Mounting", "-gender", "f", "-resultsDir", "/home/goinac/Work/jacs-2/tt/missing/align"]}'